Subject: File No. S7-06-04
From: Jeffrey Andrews

April 4, 2005

Commissioners and Staff,

Regarding the proposed rules on point of sale disclosures File number S7-06-04, it would seem important that sufficient time be given to properly analyze this issue from not only the side of individual investor, in whom we both have a mutual interest in protecting, but also from the side of those who are entrusted with providing sound financial advice to the individual investor. As a full service financial planner, implementing recently enacted legislation from the SEC, State Insurance Commissions, and the NASD has been quite time consuming to date. Valuable time has been taken from servicing those whom the legislation is designed to protect. In reviewing my request for an extension of time to review not only the merits, but how this proposed legislation must implemented in our day-to-day business practices, I respectfully request that you keep in mind that as full-service financial planning firms we are not only working hard to comply with the SECs guidance, but that of Sate Insurance Commissions, the NASD, our own professional associations, and running our business. With that being said, I respectfully request that more time be given for open comment on the issue of File number S7-06-04.

Jeff Andrews
Financial Planner