Early Reading First

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FY 2008 Measures

Early Reading First is subject to the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA). The GPRA requires each agency and program to set targets for its performance; measure progress toward those targets; report on whether or not the targets have been met; and describe future strategies for continued striving toward those targets. This process is designed to improve program management, and to help Congress, the Department of Education, the Office of Management and Budget, and others review a program's progress toward its goals. Under the GPRA, the Secretary has established the following five (5) measures for evaluating the overall effectiveness of the Early Reading First program for FY 2008:

  • The cost per preschool-aged child participating in Early Reading First programs who achieves a significant gain in oral language skills as measured by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Receptive (PPVT-III, Receptive);
  • The percentage of preschool-aged children participating in Early Reading First programs who demonstrate age-appropriate oral language skills as measured by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III, Receptive (PPVT-III, Receptive);
  • The average number of letters Early Reading First preschool-aged children are able to identify as measured by the PALS Pre-K Upper Case Alphabet Knowledge subtask;
  • The percentage of preschool-aged children participating in Early Reading First programs who achieve significant gains in oral language skills as measured by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III, Receptive (PPVT-III, Receptive); and
  • The Early Reading First teachers' average score on the Literacy Environment Checklist on the Early Language and Literacy Classroom Observation (ELLCO) Toolkit after each year of implementation.

Definitions for FY 2008 Measures

Significant gains: an increase of 4 or more standard score points between pre-and post-testing.

Age appropriate oral language skills: a standard score of 85 or above on the PPVT-III. Preschool age: children who are age eligible for kindergarten the following school year.

FY 2009 Measures
The Secretary has established the following five (5) measures for evaluating the overall effectiveness of the Early Reading First program for FY 2009:
  • The cost per preschool-aged child participating in Early Reading First programs who achieves a significant gain in oral language skills after each year of implementation;
  • The percentage of preschool-aged children participating in Early Reading First programs who demonstrate age-appropriate oral language skills after each year of implementation;
  • The average number of letters Early Reading First preschool-aged children are able to identify after each year of implementation; and
  • The percentage of preschool-aged children participating in Early Reading First programs who achieve significant gains in oral language skills after each year of implementation.

Performance Plan

Annual Performance Report Data

FY 2008 APR Summary Data

The FY 2004, 2005 and 2006 grantee data are based on at least a full-year of program implementation. FY 2007 grantee data is based on approximately six months of program implementation. FY 2008 ERF grantee data will be included in the GPRA data for 2009.

Grantee Year Number of grantees submitting data Number of children tested for whom cost information was provided Cost per child achieving a significant gain on oral language skills as measured by the PPVT-III, Receptive
FY 2004
6 708 $7,201.78
FY 2005
24 2,999 $7,208.58
FY 2006
32 3,566 $14,291.21
(FY 2004-2006)
62 7,273 $10,598.35
FY 2007
30 3,889 $11,353.69
(all years)
92 11,162 $10,858.41

Grantee Year Number of grantees submitting data Number of children tested The Percentage of preschool-aged children participating in Early Reading First programs who demonstrate age-appropriate oral language skills as measured by the PPVT-III, Receptive
FY 2004
14 1,773 75
FY 2005
32 3,833 74
FY 2006
32 3,670 83
Total (FY 2004-2006)
78 9,276 78
FY 2007
31 4,247 68
Total (all years)
109 13,523 75

Grantee Year Number of grantees submitting data Number of children tested The average number of letters that preschool-aged children are able to identify as measured by the Upper Case Alphabet Knowledge subtask on the PALS Pre-K assessment
FY 2004
15 1,856 19.33
FY 2005
32 3,897 19.76
FY 200
31 3,434 19.51
Total (FY 2004-2006)
78 9,187 19.53
FY 2007
29 3,753 18.31
Total (all years)
107 12,940 19.23

Grantee Year Number of grantees submitting data Number of children tested The Percentage of preschool-aged children participating in Early Reading First programs who achieve significant gains on oral language skills as measured by the PPVT-III, Receptive
FY 2004
16 2,051 68
FY 2005
32 3,714 65
FY 2006
32 3,566 60
Total (FY 2004-2006)
80 9,331 64
FY 2007
31 4,068 58
Total (all years)
111 13,399 62

Year Number of grantees submitting data Number of teachers tested Average score on the Literacy Environment Checklist on the Early Language and Literacy Classroom Observation (ELLCO) Toolkit
FY 2004
13 142 33.17
FY 2005
26 289 36.30
FY 2006
29 345 37.56
Total (FY 2004-2006)
68 776 36.29
FY 2007
29 382 34.35
Total (all years)
97 1,158 35.65

Historical Performance Data by Grantee and Cohort

FY 2008 Annual Performance Report download files MS EXCEL (27K)

FY 2007 Annual Performance Report download files MS EXCEL (27K)

FY 2006 Annual Performance Report
download files MS EXCEL (27K)

FY 2007 Supplemental Awards


The supplemental awards were developed in response to the action steps included in the Office of Management and Budget evaluation of the ERF program on the Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) which recommended that ERF grantees funded in prior years collect achievement data for former students and report data annually. The purpose of the activity is to assess the sustained gains of the ERF program on program participants. The following grantees have agreed to accept the supplemental awards and collect achievement data for former students entering kindergarten:

  • FY 2005: University of Delaware;
  • FY 2005: United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta; and
  • FY 2006: United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta.

GPRA Measures

  • The percentage of kindergarten children formerly enrolled in an Early Reading First program for at least one year prior to entry into kindergarten who achieves a standard score above the “at risk” range as measured by the Woodcock-Johnson III, Letter-Word Identification (Test 1) subtest. (Standard score of 90 or above)
  • The percentage of kindergarten children formerly enrolled in an Early Reading First program for at least one year prior to entry into kindergarten that rank in the 50th percentile or above as measured by the Woodcock-Johnson III, Letter-Word Identification (Test 1) subtest.
  • The percentage of kindergarten children formerly enrolled in an Early Reading First program for at least one year prior to entry into kindergarten who achieves a standard score above the “at risk” range as measured by the Woodcock-Johnson III, Story Recall (Test 3) subtest. (Standard score of 90 or above)
  • The percentage of kindergarten children formerly enrolled in an Early Reading First program for at least one year prior to entry into kindergarten that rank in the 50th percentile or above as measured by the Woodcock-Johnson III, Story Recall (Test 3) subtest.
  • The percentage of kindergarten children formerly enrolled in an Early Reading First program for at least one year prior to entry into kindergarten who demonstrates age-appropriate oral language skills as measured by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III, Receptive (PPVT-III, Receptive). (85% or above target)
The percentage of kindergarten children formerly enrolled in an Early Reading First program for at least one year prior to entry into kindergarten who achieves a standard score above the “at risk” range as measured by the Woodcock-Johnson III, Letter-Word Identification (Test 1) subtest (Standard score of 90 or above) Number of children tested Number of children to meet the target Percentage
176 160 90.90

The percentage of kindergarten children formerly enrolled in an Early Reading First program for at least one year prior to entry into kindergarten that rank in the 50th percentile or above as measured by the Woodcock-Johnson III, Letter-Word Identification (Test 1) subtest (Standard score of 100 or above) Number of children tested Number of children to meet the target Percentage
176 123 69.9

The percentage of kindergarten children formerly enrolled in an Early Reading First program for al least one year prior to entry into kindergarten who achieve a standard score above the "at risk" range as measured by the Woodcock-Johnson III, Letter-Word Identification (Test 3) subtest (Standard score of 90 or above) Number of children tested Number of children to meet the target Percentage
176 149 87.7

The percentage of kindergarten children formerly enrolled in an Early Reading First program for at least one year prior to entry into kindergarten that rank in the 50th percentile or above as measured by the Woodcock-Johnson III, Letter-Word Identification (Test 1) subtest (Standard score of 100 or above) Number of children tested Number of children to meet the target Percentage
176 112 63.6

The percentage of kindergarten children formerly enrolled in an Early Reading First program for at least one year prior to entry into kindergarten who demonstrated age-appropriate oral language skills as measured by the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test III, Receptive (PPVT-III, Receptive) (85% or above target) Number of children tested Number of children to meet the target Percentage
176 142 80.7

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Last Modified: 03/03/2009