Publication Date: March 26, 2009

DCL ID:  GEN-09-03

Subject: National SMART Grant - Designation of Additional Eligible Majors

Summary: This letter explains the process by which institutions of higher education can request that an additional major or qualifying liberal arts curriculum be included on the list of eligible majors for the National SMART Grant Program for the 2009-2010 award year.

Dear Colleague:

To be eligible to receive a National SMART Grant, an otherwise eligible student must be majoring in a physical, life, or computer sciences, mathematics, technology, engineering, or in a critical foreign language (as defined in section 103(3) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA)). The final regulations for the National SMART Grant Program published on October 29, 2007 provide a mechanism to designate additional majors in which otherwise eligible students can receive a National SMART Grant. Additionally, effective for the 2009-2010 award year, §401A(c)(3)(D) of the HEA extends eligibility for a National SMART Grant to a student enrolled in a program at an institution of higher education that offers a single liberal arts curriculum leading to a baccalaureate degree that was offered prior to February 8, 2006, and under which the student is not permitted to declare a major in a particular subject area. This Dear Colleague letter details the process by which institutions of higher education can request additional majors be included on the list of eligible majors for the National SMART Grant Program for the 2009-2010 award year.

To submit a major for designation as an additional eligible major, institutions of higher education must provide the following information:

  • The Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code and program title of the proposed additional major.
  • The reason or reasons the proposed additional major should be considered an eligible major under the National SMART Grant Program.
  • Documentation showing that the institution has actually awarded or plans to award a bachelor’s degree in the requested major.

All of the above information must be included with the request to designate an additional eligible major. Incomplete or late submissions will not be considered.

To submit a single liberal arts curriculum for designation as an additional eligible major, institutions of higher education must provide:

  • Information required to request an additional eligible major including:
    1. The Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) code and program title of the proposed additional major.
    2. The reason or reasons the proposed additional major should be considered an eligible major under the National SMART Grant Program.
    3. Documentation showing that the institution has actually awarded or plans to award a bachelor’s degree in the requested major.
  • Information demonstrating that the single liberal arts curriculum was offered prior to February 8, 2006.
  • Information demonstrating that a student is not permitted to declare a major in a particular subject area.
  • Information demonstrating that the requested single liberal arts curriculum consists of either:
    1. A course of study that is at least equal to the requirements for an academic major in the physical, life, or computer sciences, mathematics, technology, engineering, or a critical foreign language at another institution of higher education that offers a baccalaureate degree in that subject (see section 401A(c)(3)(D)(i)(I) of the HEA); or
    2. A rigorous course of study in mathematics, biology, chemistry, and physics that requires at least four years of study in mathematics and three years of study in the sciences, with a laboratory component in each of those years (see section 401A(c)(3)(D)(i)(II) of the HEA).

All of the above information must be included with the request to designate a liberal arts curriculum as an eligible major. Incomplete or late submissions will not be considered. The Secretary will publish the new list of eligible majors.

Please submit your request to The deadline for submission is April 30, 2009. If you have any questions, please contact Sophia McArdle at 202-219-7078 or by e-mail at


Daniel T. Madzelan
Delegated the Authority to Perform
the Functions and Duties of the
Assistant Secretary for
Postsecondary Education


National SMART Grant - Designation of Additional Eligible Majors in PDF Format, 2.6MB, 2 pages


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