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Climate change

The Met Office Hadley Centre provides a focus in the UK for the scientific issues associated with climate change.

On this page you will find all the known facts about climate change.

Using expert knowledge of weather and climate science we help government and businesses plan for future climate change impacts.

Answers to questions about the weather and climate change.

A comprehensive list of all Met Office publications including brochures on climate research from the Met Office Hadley Centre.

Climate Change is a global issue and the Met Office Hadley Centre is leading international research into what could happen under climate change, and the impacts on current and future generations.

Climate change — what you need to know

The scientific evidence is overwhelming — our climate is changing. These changes will affect all organisations — commercial and governmental, local and international.

This Met Office climate change seminar focuses on the needs of professionals. It equips you with the knowledge of climate change you need to be able to make the best, most robust decisions for your organisation, informing its policies and safeguarding its future and reputation.

More about climate change seminars

Latest news and events

Eliasch Review

The Eliasch Review
An independent review which has reported to the Prime Minister on the role international finance could play in preserving global forests, to tackle climate change.

Power station

Why we must meet emissions targets
Dr Vicky Pope, Head of Climate Change Advice, explains why the momentum on emissions targets must not be lost.


Climate change goes on
There is clear evidence that global temperatures are rising despite counter claims from climate sceptics.

Field of rapeseed

Paying the carbon debt: What are the true costs of the expanding biofuel industry
Global biofuel production has grown massively in recent years due to factors such as rising oil prices and government initiatives.

Changing climate, changing gardens

Changing climate, changing gardens
The impact of climate change on gardening is likely to have far-reaching effects on the average domestic garden, and also the many historic gardens around the UK.

Climate change in our world

Climate change in our world
Agencies across Government have joined together to highlight the issues of climate change. See climate change projections from the Met Office on Google Earth.

Met Office and University of Exeter

Met Office and University of Exeter
The Met Office and University of Exeter are working together to tackle and investigate some of the issues surrounding climate science.

Climate research

The climate system
Weather and climate have a profound influence on life on Earth, find out about the basics.

Climate change projections
Key results from climate-change experiments conducted using Met Office computer models of the climate system.

Climate monitoring data sets
The Met Office Hadley Centre receives, quality controls, and archives large amounts of observed climate data used for monitoring the climate, in studies of the causes of climate change and in climate modelling.

Types of climate models used in the Met Office Hadley Centre
Detailed three-dimensional representations of major components of the climate system are mostly run on the Met Office's NEC SX-6 supercomputers.

Carbon cycle
The role of the carbon cycle in climate change, how the models represent it, and what the results are when the cycle is included in climate simulations.

IPCC Fourth Assessment Report
The Met Office plays a key part in this internationally important process.
