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Engine or Vehicle Manufacturers

Manufacturers who need to use Verify to report to EPA must first register with EPA to access the system. More information for manufacturers.

Manufacturers who need to use Verify to report to EPA must first register with EPA to access the system. More information for manufacturers on registering with EPA.

EPA's engine and vehicle compliance information system, Verify, collects emissions and fuel economy compliance information for all types of vehicles (mobile sources of air pollution) including light-duty vehicles and heavy-duty and nonroad engines. Engine and vehicle manufacturers report this information to the Verify system.

The Verify information system is made up of two basic sections: a public interface and an EPA-only data base.

Verify's public interface consists of web screens and programs that collect and process manufacturer data. The system works through EPA's Central Data Exchange (CDX) (read general information about CDX) the Agency's single source for collecting electronic data from local governments and agencies, private industries, state governments, and tribes.

The EPA-only data base gathers and processes the data, confirms fee payment, issues certificates of conformity, and supports other compliance functions. Access is limited to EPA compliance and enforcement staff.

Verify replaces several older systems such as the light-duty Certification and Fuel Economy Information System (CFEIS) and the heavy-duty and nonroad engine Information Management System (IMS). Verify is being designed and implemented in phases.

The first Verify modules implemented new compliance programs and regulations including motorcycle and all-terrain vehicle (ATV) certification, heavy-duty diesel engine in-use testing, and locomotive certification.

Later modules will focus on light-duty compliance so that the legacy CFEIS system can be retired. Read additional information about the Verify development and schedule.

Specifically, Verify:

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