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International Activities Program

Other Indicator Projects

World Education Indicators (WEI) Project:

In September 1997, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and UNESCO established the World Education Indicators (WEI) Project, with the support of The World Bank. The primary aim of the project is to develop a small but critical mass of policy-oriented education indicators that measure the current state of education in an internationally valid and comparable manner. The indicator framework established by OECD for the Indicators of National Education Systems (INES) Project is being used as the basis for indicators in the WEI project.

After an initial round of data collection, OECD published indicators for many of the WEI countries in the 1998 edition of Education at a Glance. Indicators for WEI countries were also published in the 2000 edition of EAG, and in a separate volume entitled Investing in Education: Analysis of the 1999 World Education Indicators. The latest publication from WEI is Education Trends in Perspective: Analysis of the World Education Indicators.

During the next phase of the project, OECD and UNESCO will be working to improve the quality and comparability of data collected through WEI, with a particular focus on finance data.

NCES has supported the WEI project since its inception through guidance to OECD and UNESCO in the conceptualization and development of indicators and technical assistance to countries.

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