Statement by Reed E. Hundt, Chairman Federal Communications Commission regarding passage of H.R. 1555, The Communications Act of 1995 August 4, 1995 The House of Representatives' passage of H.R. 1555, The Communications Act of 1995, reflects the widespread recognition that changing technologies and markets require changes in telecommunications regulation. I commend Chairmen Bliley and Fields and Ranking Members Dingell and Markey for their dedicated efforts over a period of many years to update the nation's communications laws. H.R. 1555, like its Senate counterpart, would substantially expand the Commission's workload in the short run and impose very tight deadlines on Commission actions. I will work with the Congress to ensure that the deadlines imposed on the Commission are reasonable and, if the bill becomes law, to see that the Commission has adequate resources to fulfill its responsibilities. I specifically want to commend Representatives Lofgren, Morella, Orton and Ney for advocating the importance of providing access to the information superhighway for our schools and libraries. I appreciate Chairman Bliley's commitment to working in conference to include language that insures such access. While this bill attempts to do many things, in the long run, it is connecting the classrooms that will pay the greatest dividends to America's future.