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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 528  

Annulment or Withdrawal of Certificates for the Employment of Student-Learners, Apprentices, Learners, Messengers, Handicapped Persons, Student-Workers, and Full-Time Students In Agriculture or In Retail or Service Establishments At Special Minimum Wage Rates

29 CFR 528.5 - Proceedings for withdrawal or annulment.

  • Section Number: 528.5
  • Section Name: Proceedings for withdrawal or annulment.

    The representative authorized to withdraw or annul a certificate 
under Sec. 528.3 shall institute proceedings by a letter mailed to the 
employer and, where appropriate, to the apprenticeship agency (in the 
case of apprentice certificates) or the responsible school official (in 
the case of student-learner certificates), setting forth alleged facts 
which may warrant such annulment or withdrawal and advising the employer 
that such an annulment or withdrawal of the scope provided in Sec. 528.7 
will take effect at a time specified unless facts are presented which 
convince the authorized representative that such action should not be 
taken. The letter shall advise such person, agency, or official of the 
right to respond by mail or to appear by or with counsel or by other 
duly qualified representative at a specified time and place. If there is 
no timely objection to the withdrawal or annulment thus proposed, it 
shall be deemed effective according to the terms of the letter 
instituting the annulment or withdrawal proceeding without the necessity 
of any further action. If objection to the annulment or withdrawal as 
proposed is made within the specified time the further proceedings shall 
be as informal as practicable commensurate with orderly dispatch and 
fairness. Department of Labor investigation files or reports or portions 
thereof may be considered in such proceedings to the extent they are 
made available for examination during the proceedings. If objection to 
the proposed annulment or withdrawal is made by such specified time, the 
authorized representative shall, after considering all pertinent matters 
presented, mail a letter to the employer and, where appropriate, to the 
apprenticeship agency or the responsible school official, setting out 
that representative's findings of specific pertinent facts and 
conclusions and that representative's order concerning the proposed 
annulment or withdrawal. In proceedings instituted for annulment, the 
order may provide for withdrawal instead of annulment if the proof 
warrants such withdrawal but fails to support adequately the annulment. 
Such an order shall be deemed issued and effective according to its 
terms when mailed.

(Secretary's Order No. 16-75, dated Nov. 25, 1975 (40 FR 55913); 
Employment Standards Order No. 76-2, dated Feb. 23, 1976 (41 FR 9016))

[43 FR 28469, June 30, 1978]
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