USGS Water Resources Information

Rain Gage at Kaskaskia River near Red Bud, Il (381139089531700)

Note: these USGS Illinois WSC real-time data web pages use an older interface and eventually will be replaced by the USGS national real-time data web pages located at Please update any bookmarks to use the national real-time data pages. If you have any questions, please email gs-w-il_NWISWeb_Maintainer

Data are displayed on this USGS web page with permission from the Corps. Inquiries about this site should be directed to the Corps (
The X

The precipitation data for this station are temporary and will only be displayed for 31 days.  Although the instrumentation is calibrated at least once/year, the temporary classification means that documented routine inspections and other quality assurance measures are not performed to make the data acceptable for archival, retrieval, or future use in general scientific or interpretive studies.



Station Information

Station Number Latitude
County Basin Name Drainage Area
(ft above NGVD)
381139089531700 381139 0895317 Randolph Lower Kaskaskia    

Data Types Available

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Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, Illinois Water Science Center
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This page was created in real time by the NWIS-W package: ( NWIS-W: 3.01pr ; nwis-w: 3.1 )