VII. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

  • Security—Interior, FWS—3.  Categories of individuals covered by the system: Occupants of critical-sensitive and non-critical sensitive positions.
  • Tort Claim Records--Interior, FWS--4.Categories of individuals covered by the system:Claimants for damages to personal property or personal injury.

  • National Wildlife Refuge Special Use Permits--Interior, FWS--5.

    Categories of individuals covered by the system:Applicants who apply for special use permits and cooperative farm agreements on National Wildlife Refuges.

  • Water Development Project and/or Effluent Discharge Permit
  • Hunting and Fishing Survey Records—Interior, FWS—6.

  • Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals who apply for permits from other regulatory agencies including the Corps of Engineers, and the Environmental Protection Agency.

  • Application Review--Interior, FWS--7.

  • Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals who apply for permits from other regulatory agencies including the Corps of Engineers, and the Environmental Protection Agency. (The records contained in this system which pertain to individuals contain principally proprietary information concerning sole proprietorships. Some of the records in the system which pertain to individuals may reflect personal information, however. Only the records reflecting personal information are subject to the Privacy Act. The system also contains records concerning corporations and other business entities.

  • National Fish Hatchery Special Use Permits--Interior, FWS--10.

  • Categories of individuals covered by the system: The records are on individuals who applied for special use permits on National Fish Hatcheries.

  • Real Property Records--Interior, FWS--11.

  • Categories of individuals covered by the system: The records are on landowners, tenants and permitees from whom the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has acquired land, water, orinterests therein.

  • North American Breeding Bird Survey—Interior, FWS—13.

  • Categories of individuals covered by the system: Volunteers from general public.

  • Diagnostic-Extension Service Records—Interior, FWS—17.

  • Categories of individuals covered by the system: Federal, State employees involved in fish and wildlife production and fishery wildlife management, private fish farmers, fish hobbyists.

  • Endangered Species Licensee System--Interior, FWS--19.

  • Categories of individuals covered by the system: The records are on individuals who request a license toimport or export fish and/or wildlife products. The system also has records on corporations and other business entities. Only the records reflecting personal information are subject to the Privacy Act.

  • Investigative Case File System--Interior, FWS--20.

  • Categories of individuals covered by the system: The records are on individuals who are the subjects of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service law enforcement investigations.

  • Permits System--Interior, FWS--21.

  • Categories of individuals covered by the system:Applicants for permits to conduct certain activities in areas of fish and wildlife. (The records contained in this system which pertain to individuals contain principally proprietary information concerning sole proprietorships. Some of the records in the system which pertain to individuals may reflect personal information,however. Only the records reflecting ersonal information are subject to the Privacy Act. The system contains records concerning corporations and other business entities. These records are not subject to the Privacy Act.)

  • U.S. Deputy Game Warden--Interior, FWS--22.

  • Categories of individuals covered by the system: The records are on individuals who apply for U.S. Deputy Game commissions

  • Motor Vehicle Permit Log—Interior, FWS—23.

  • Categories of individuals covered by the system: Employees who require Government Vehicle Operator Permit.

  • Contract and Procurement Records, FWS--25.

  • Categories of individuals covered by the system: Individuals submitting unsolicited proposals or replying tosolicitations for bids. (The records contained in this system whichpertain to individuals contain principally proprietary information concerning sole proprietorships. Some of the records in the system which pertain to individuals may reflect personal information,however. Only the records reflecting personal information are subject to the Privacy Act. The system also contains records concerning corporations and other business entities. These records are not subject to the Privacy Act.)

  • Migtratory Bird Population and Harvest Systems--Interior, FWS--26.

  • Categories of individuals covered by the system: The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service records are on (1) individuals who participate in migratory bird population surveys; and (2)individuals who submit their harvest data for migratory game birds.

  • Correspondence Control System--Interior, FWS--27.

  • Categories of individuals covered by the system: The records are on U.S. Senators and Representatives, Governors of States, and members of the public.

  • Marine Mammals Management, Marking, Tagging and Reporting Program, FWS--30.
  • Categories of individuals covered by the system:Alaska Native hunters of polar bear, sea otter, and walrus.

  • National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) Training Server System, FWS-34.
  • (Published in April 11, 2002, 67 FR 17711-17713).
    Categories of individuals covered by the system:Records are maintained on those individuals who participate in NCTC-sponsored training.This includes FWS employees as well as employees from other Federal agencies and non-Federal personnel from other States, private agencies, and universities.Training records are also kept on all FWS employees.