NOAA Fisheries Feature

reports and articles 2005

What is Bycatch?
National Bycatch Strategy
Recent Regulatory Actions Fisheries
Recent Regulatory Actions Protected Resources
International Activities
Research and Monitoring
Reports and Articles
Regional Bycatch Summaries
Related Laws

Discards in the World's Marine Fisheries: An Update (FAO Fisheries Technical Paper 470)
This study provides an update of the quantity of discards in the world's marine fisheries based on a fishery-by-fishery approach.

2005 Report to Congress Pursuant to the Shark Finning Prohibition Act of 2000

Researchers Estimate Marine Mammal Bycatch in the United States and World
Marine mammal bycatch has declined significantly in U.S. waters over the last decade, but global bycatch of marine mammals remains in the hundreds of thousands.

NEFSC Bycatch Estimation Methodology: Allocation, Precision, and Accuracy
This report describes the standardized methodology used to estimate bycatch rates of finfish by commercial fisheries in the Northeast.

A 2004 issue of Marine Fisheries Review includes bycatch articles covering the NOAA Fisheries National Bycatch Strategy; Atlantic blue marlin and Pacific halibut bycatch; and protected species in the California drift gillnet fishery for swordfish and thresher shark.

Using Digital Video Monitoring Systems in Fisheries: Application for Monitoring Compliance of Seabird Avoidance Devices and Seabird Mortality in Pacific Halibut Longline Fisheries
This 111-page report concludes that an electronic monitoring system (EMS) monitoring program would produce accurate data and enable compliance evaluations for seabird avoidance devices.

Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation Report Available for Pacific Highly Migratory Species
The document describes the status of the U.S. West Coast Fisheries for Highly Migratory Species through 2004 and includes information on bycatch issues in those fisheries.

NOAA Sea Turtle Publications for the Atlantic Ocean Basin
This site includes links to a large number of documents related to sea turtles and sea turtle bycatch.

Report: Working with the Ecuadorian Fishing Community to Reduce the Mortality of Sea Turtles in Longlines: The First Year, March 2004 to March 2005
This circle hook study took place over the past year in Ecuador's tuna and mahi-mahi fisheries and involved 115 Ecuadorian fishing vessels.

Marine Mammal Stock Assessment Reports (SARs)
This page contains links to marine mammal SARs, which include information on the geographic range, population estimate, population trends, and productivity rates of various marine mammal stocks.

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