Table 5-24
Worldwide citations of U.S. scientific articles, by field: Selected years, 1992–2003
Field 1992 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003
All fields 1,389,314 1,593,418 1,648,899 1,696,859 1,678,294 1,839,481
Clinical medicine 475,793 538,931 574,859 584,330 589,762 649,522
Biomedical research 460,148 553,775 572,122 594,596 568,328 596,642
Biology 52,535 58,998 58,130 56,981 57,899 71,664
Chemistry 88,010 105,770 105,762 110,927 109,703 136,724
Physics 137,922 139,810 131,958 125,968 120,593 112,046
Earth/space sciences 55,086 69,487 73,507 83,053 82,614 100,282
Engineering/technology 32,680 34,631 32,958 34,001 36,809 45,178
Mathematics 6,858 6,492 6,418 7,520 7,794 9,504
Social/behavioral sciences 80,282 85,524 93,187 99,481 104,793 117,919

NOTES: Citations on fractional-count basis, i.e., for cited articles with collaborating institutions from outside the United States, the United States receives fractional credit on basis of proportion of its participating institutions. Social/behavioral sciences consist of psychology, social sciences, health sciences, and professional fields. Engineering/technology includes computer sciences. Biology includes agricultural sciences. Detail may not add to total because of rounding.

SOURCES: Thomson ISI, Science Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index,; ipIQ, Inc.; and National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, special tabulations. See appendix table 5-61.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2006