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Department of the Interior Ethics Office
Executive Orders & Laws
  • Executive Order 12674 - Principles of Ethical Conduct for Government Employees.  
  • Federal post-employment laws-summary (18 U.S.C. 207)
  • 18 U.S.C. 201 - Bribery of Public Officials and Witnesses
  • 18 U.S.C. 202 - Definitions, e.g. Special Government Employee
  • 18 U.S.C. 203 - Compensation to Members of Congress, officiers, and others in matters affecting the Government
  • 18 U.S.C. 205 - Activities of Officers and employees in claims against and other matters affecting the Government
  • 18 U.S.C. 207 - Restrictions on former officers, employees, and elected officials of the executive and legislative branches
  • 18 U.S.C. 208 - Acts affecting a personal financial interest
  • 18 U.S.C. 209 - Salary of Government officials and employees payable only by United States


  • Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch (rev. 9/17/97) - These ethics rules are codified in 5 CFR 2635 and apply to ALL Executive branch employees.   Document contains 75 pages
  • Final rule amendment which allows for extensions of filing dates for certain filers of Confidential Financial Disclosure Reports (OGE Form 450) who are involved in the President's declaration of national emergency.

    Employee Guides

  • Ethics Guide for DOI Employees, January 2009
  • Reference Guide on Post Employment
  • Ethics Guide for Department of the Interior employees (69 pages), September 2002
  • Errata sheet - This sheet (contains two errata sheet inserts) is an insert to the Sept. 2002 Employee Ethics Guide which was distributed by the Department.  You do not need this if you download the Guide from this site.
  • Ethics Rules for "Special Government Employees"

    Guidance on Selected Subjects

  • Internet - Acceptable Use Policy
  • Department guidelines on accepting donations
  • New guidance on who pays for employee business cards
  • Gifts; when you may accept them and when you should refuse them
  • Guidelines for Acceptance of Free or Discounted Legal Services by Employees of the Department of the Interior
  • Department Guidance on Partnership Activities
  • Pamphlet on Establishing Partnerships with Private Organizations  (print on 8 1/2  X 14 paper)
  • Pamphlet on Employee's Ethics Guide to Holiday and Social Events (print on 8 1/2  X 14 paper)
  • Pamphlet on Political Activities (print on 8 1/2  X 14 paper)
  • Pamphlet on the Acceptance of Gifts from Domestic Sources (Print on 8-1/2 X 11 paper)
  • Pamphlet on Teaching, Speaking and Writing Activities (print this on 8 1/2 X 11 paper)

    Employee Handouts from Previous Ethics Satellite Training Broadcasts

  • 2008 Annual Ethics Training
  • October 17, 2002 Broadcast - selected visual aid slides (in powerpoint).
  • February 29, 2000  Broadcast on political activities and the post employment restrictions.
  • April 25, 2000 Broadcast on the organization of DOI's ethics program and restrictions unique to Interior employees.
  • May 25, 2000  Broadcast on travel and the use of government equipment.
  • July 27, 2000   Broadcast on the ethics criminal statutes, negotiating for non-Federal outside employment and the post employment restrictions.
  • September 7, 2000  Broadcast on fundraising activities, lobbying and outside work.
  • October 5, 2000   Broadcast on the Reviewing confidential financial disclosure reports (Reviewer's training workshop).
  • November 16,  2000   Broadcast on the acceptance of gifts, travel, use of Government equipment, and the Federal conflict of interest laws.

    Hatch Act Information

  • Hatch Act and Federal Employees
  • Office of Special Counsel opinions on Unions hosting voter registration drives in the federal workplace:
            - May 25, 2004 opinion
            - April 14, 2004 opinion
  • Memorandum from DAEO to all Offices of the Department: Political Activity under the Hatch Act (Feb. 2004)
  • Office of Special Counsel Letter to Office of Surface Mining regarding employees' posting satirical resume of sitting President (Dec. 2003)
  • Office of Special Counsel Removes Hatch Act Advisory for "Water Cooler" Political Email (March 2007)

    Directory and Links to Other Federal Agencies

  • Government Resource Links
  • FirstGov
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