Table 8-46
Venture capital deals as share of high-technology business establishments, by state: 2003 and 2004
  Venture capital deals   High-technology
  Venture capital deals/
establishment (%)
State 2003 2004    2003 2004    2003 2004
United States 2,903 3,036   590,417 603,642   0.49 0.50
Alabama 9 5   6,347 6,407   0.14 0.08
Alaska 0 0   1,345 1,358   0.00 0.00
Arizona 16 12   10,433 10,901   0.15 0.11
Arkansas 3 1   4,012 4,142   0.07 0.02
California 1,122 1,225   77,614 79,288   1.45 1.55
Colorado 72 75   15,532 16,027   0.46 0.47
Connecticut 34 32   7,827 7,794   0.43 0.41
Delaware 1 1   3,964 3,907   0.03 0.03
District of Columbia 6 8   2,589 2,695   0.23 0.30
Florida 61 57   38,118 40,165   0.16 0.14
Georgia 55 73   18,820 19,424   0.29 0.38
Hawaii 6 4   2,097 2,152   0.29 0.19
Idaho 5 2   2,515 2,582   0.20 0.08
Illinois 58 51   27,606 28,200   0.21 0.18
Indiana 8 9   9,626 9,858   0.08 0.09
Iowa 1 4   4,316 4,324   0.02 0.09
Kansas 2 9   5,716 5,900   0.03 0.15
Kentucky 3 5   5,453 5,585   0.06 0.09
Louisiana 1 3   7,218 7,192   0.01 0.04
Maine 2 3   2,466 2,541   0.08 0.12
Maryland 84 85   13,428 13,974   0.63 0.61
Massachusetts 378 365   17,183 17,305   2.20 2.11
Michigan 17 19   16,937 16,988   0.10 0.11
Minnesota 58 47   12,834 13,055   0.45 0.36
Mississippi 4 5   3,269 3,274   0.12 0.15
Missouri 23 10   9,562 9,745   0.24 0.10
Montana 1 0   2,108 2,229   0.05 0.00
Nebraska 2 0   2,797 2,864   0.07 0.00
Nevada 6 5   5,387 5,493   0.11 0.09
New Hampshire 32 23   3,511 3,559   0.91 0.65
New Jersey 88 88   24,286 24,256   0.36 0.36
New Mexico 5 8   3,322 3,385   0.15 0.24
New York 119 149   35,926 36,706   0.33 0.41
North Carolina 76 57   14,869 15,426   0.51 0.37
North Dakota 2 1   964 972   0.21 0.10
Ohio 25 32   19,875 20,120   0.13 0.16
Oklahoma 2 11   6,859 6,965   0.03 0.16
Oregon 21 27   7,500 7,659   0.28 0.35
Pennsylvania 90 92   22,266 22,796   0.40 0.40
Rhode Island 10 7   1,976 2,043   0.51 0.34
South Carolina 4 5   5,869 6,048   0.07 0.08
South Dakota 1 3   1,206 1,234   0.08 0.24
Tennessee 22 23   8,196 8,226   0.27 0.28
Texas 165 162   45,062 45,522   0.37 0.36
Utah 22 27   5,474 5,716   0.40 0.47
Vermont 6 4   1,453 1,498   0.41 0.27
Virginia 80 73   18,868 19,758   0.42 0.37
Washington 81 114   13,171 13,480   0.61 0.85
West Virginia 5 3   2,257 2,259   0.22 0.13
Wisconsin 8 10   9,035 9,249   0.09 0.11
Wyoming 1 2   1,353 1,396   0.07 0.14
Puerto Rico 1 1   NA NA   NA NA

NA = not available

SOURCES: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Venture Economics, and National Venture Capital Association, MoneyTree Survey, special tabulations; and Census Bureau, 1989–2004 Business Information Tracking Series, special tabulations.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008