Table 7-14
Public opinion on medical technologies derived from stem cell research: Most recent year
Question    Favor    Oppose
1. If you or a member of your family had a condition such as Parkinson's Disease, or a spinal cord injury, would you
support the use of embryonic stem cells in order to pursue a treatment for that condition? (yes or no)
  70   21
2. Therapeutic cloning is the use of cloning technology to help in the search for possible cures and treatments for
diseases and disabilities. Do you think that research into therapeutic cloning should be allowed? (yes or no)
  59   35
3. Do you favor or oppose using human cloning technology IF it is used ONLY to help medical research develop new
treatments for disease? (strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose)
  45   51
4. Do you favor or oppose using human cloning technology IF it is used to create human embryos that will provide
stem cells for human therapeutic purposes? (strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose)
  35   57

NOTES: Questions 1, 3, and 4 asked 7–21 November 2006. Question 2 asked in 2005. Detail does not add to total because "don't know" responses not shown.

SOURCES: Questions 1, 3, and 4, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Center for Public Policy, Survey and Evaluation Research Laboratory, VCU Life Sciences Survey (2006),; and Question 2, Research!America, America Speaks! Poll Data Summary, vol. 7, p. 20 (March 2006), PARADE/Research!America Health Poll (2005),

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008