Table 5-17
S&E doctorate holders employed in academia reporting receipt of federal support in previous year, by degree field: Selected years, 1973–2006
Degree field   1973   1983   1991   2006
All fields   44.5   39.8   48.5   46.9
Physical sciences   47.3   46.5   57.0   56.3
Mathematics   26.9   30.1   34.5   34.8
Computer sciences   NA   44.6   49.4   43.9
Life sciences   59.3   60.0   65.5   57.9
Psychology   37.5   30.1   34.7   36.3
Social sciences   25.5   23.7   28.4   23.1
Engineering   53.5   54.7   63.2   58.7

NA = not available

NOTES: 1991 used because 1993 not comparable with other years and understates degree of federal support by asking whether work performed during week of April 15 supported by government. In other years, question pertains to work conducted over course of year. Physical sciences include earth, atmospheric, and ocean sciences.

SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Doctorate Recipients, special tabulations (preliminary data for 2006). See appendix table 5-30.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008