Table 5-7
Costs for new construction of S&E research space in academic institutions, by field: Selected years, FY 1986–2007
(Millions of dollars)
Field   1986–87   1988–89   1990–91   1992–93   1994–95   1996–97   1998–99   2002–03   2004–05   2006–07
All fields   2,051   2,464   2,976   2,812   2,768   3,110   3,222   7,388.7   6,109.9   7,903.4
Agricultural sciences   150   152   175   210   150   273   224   142.3   171.5   135.6
Biological sciences   463   577   832   633   614   582   781   1,944.7   2,022.0   2,327.9
Computer sciences   61   65   40   47   46   21   75   338.4   122.0   314.6
Earth, atmospheric,
  and ocean sciences
  57   82   170   123   33   172   149   194.2   121.6   69.2
Engineering   430   388   395   286   575   332   416   1,055.3   890.8   1,079.8
Mathematics   2   8   12   10   2   9   13   9.3   15.6   20.3
Medical sciences   505   648   807   999   647   1,043   881   2,256.0   2,075.0   2,183.6
Physical sciences   182   401   430   337   426   381   419   782.4   398.9   756.1
Psychology   23   25   36a   16   42   77   49   73.3   91.7   108.2
Social sciences   38   48   NA   44   112   75   55   148.4   78.9   150.7
Other sciences   139   70   79   106   122   145   159   444.4   121.9   757.5
Animal research space   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   NA   223   731.9   660.0   742.9

NA = not available, question not asked

aPsychology and social sciences not differentiated in questionnaire item for FY 1990–91.

NOTES: Animal research space listed separately and also included in individual field totals. Question on construction costs not asked on FY 2001 survey; therefore, no data reported. Only construction projects costing >$250,000 for a single field reported on FY 2003 and FY 2005 surveys; construction projects costing >$100,000 reported in previous cycles. 2006–07 data estimates of planned research space. Detail may not add to total because of rounding.

SOURCE: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Survey of Science and Engineering Research Facilities, Fiscal Years 1988–2005.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008