Table 4-17
R&D performed by majority-owned affiliates of foreign companies in United States, by selected NAICS industry of affiliate and country/region: 2004
(Millions of current U.S. dollars)
        Manufacturing   Nonmanufacturing
Country/region      All
     Total      Chemicals      Machinery      Computer
     Information      Professional,
All countries   29,900   20,891   10,045   1,547   3,279   238   3,728   898   1,442
Canada   1,458   940   38   3   D   D   D   D   40
Europe   22,648   17,710   9,606   1,382   1,999   164   3,282   549   560
France   3,738   3,050   2,064   D   D   D   D   261   28
Germany   5,929   5,345   1,375   987   246   18   2,553   D   D
Netherlands   1,316   579   353   D   0   2   4   3   D
Switzerland   4,004   3,462   3,201   112   25   5   5   3   411
United Kingdom   5,924   4,273   2,225   50   1,248   10   445   D   73
Asia/Pacific   3,725   1,403   291   D   422   17   D   46   D
Japan   3,413   1,232   281   72   354   16   334   D   699
Latin America/OWH   D   645   3   D   D   D   2   1   D
Middle East   D   134   80   *   D   0   7   D   D
Africa   36   D   D   0   0   0   0   D   0

D = suppressed to avoid disclosure of confidential information; * = ≤$500,000

NAICS = North American Industry Classification System; OWH = other Western Hemisphere

NOTES: Preliminary 2004 estimates for majority-owned (>50%) nonbank affiliates of nonbank U.S. parents by country of ultimate beneficial owner and industry of affiliate. Expenditures included for R&D conducted by foreign affiliates, whether for themselves or others under contract. Expenditures excluded for R&D conducted by others for affiliates under contract.

SOURCE: Bureau of Economic Analysis, Survey of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States (annual series),, accessed 24 April 2007. See appendix tables 4-43 and 4-44.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008