Table 3-10
Employment distribution and average earnings of 4-digit NAICS industry classifications, by proportion of employment in S&E occupations: 2006
            Average worker salary ($)
Workers in S&E occupations (%)   All
  All S&E
>40   2,080,670   973,160   68,600   77,100
20–40   3,483,360   984,060   52,800   78,000
10–20   10,491,600   1,504,350   53,900   72,000
4–10   13,045,120   835,750   46,000   65,900
<4   99,710,090   1,049,190   34,600   61,600

NAICS = North American Industry Classification System

NOTES: NAICS has a hierarchal structure that uses 2 to 4 digits; 4-digit NAICS industries are subsets of 3-digit industries, which are subsets of 2-digit sectors. For data by individual 4-digit NAICS industries, see appendix tables 3-4 and 3-5.

SOURCE: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment Statistics Survey, May 2006.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008