Table O-9
Average mathematics scores of students from beginning kindergarten to grade 5, by race/ethnicity: 1998, 2000, 2002, and 2004
Race/ethnicity      Fall 1998
     Spring 2000
grade 1
     Spring 2002
grade 3
     Spring 2004
grade 5
     Gain from
to grade 5
All students   22   39   91   112   89
White, non-Hispanic   25   43   97   118   93
Black, non-Hispanic   19   33   79   99   80
Hispanic   19   36   85   108   89
Asian   25   39   94   118   93
Othera   20   38   86   107   86

aIncludes non-Hispanic Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders, American Indians, Alaska Natives, and children of more than one race.

NOTES: Early Childhood Longitudinal Survey (ECLS) mathematics scale ranged from 0 to 153. In 2004 followup for ECLS kindergarten class of fall 1998, 86% of cohort was in grade 5, 14% was in a lower grade, and <1% was in a higher grade. For simplicity, students in ECLS followups referred to by modal and expected grade, i.e., first graders in spring 2000 assessment, third graders in spring 2002 assessment, and fifth graders in spring 2004 assessment.

SOURCES: National Center for Education Statistics, ECLS, fall 1998 and spring 2000, 2002, and 2004; and National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, special tabulations.

Science and Engineering Indicators 2008