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Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln, photographed by Mathew Brady
[Detail] Abraham Lincoln / photographed by Mathew Brady
About this Image

With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations.

~ Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1865

primary source set

This Primary Source Set includes images, letters, documents, a sound recording and analysis tools to help teach about Abraham Lincoln's rise in national politics.

online resources
Especially for Teachers...

Abraham Lincoln and Me Activity Book - (Internet Resources) This activity book for early readers allows students to become familiar with primary sources while learning about Lincoln. English and Spanish versions are freely downloadable.

Abraham Lincoln Institute Fifth Annual Symposium - (Cybercast) View webcasts of Lincoln experts speaking at a 2002 Lincoln symposium held at the Library of Congress

Abraham Lincoln: A Resource Guide - (Library of Congress Bibliography) This resource guide compiles links to digital materials related to Lincoln such as manuscripts, letters, broadsides, government documents, and images available on Library of Congress Web site and beyond.

Abraham Lincoln: First Inauguration, March 4, 1861 - (Special Presentation) View documents related to Lincoln's first inauguration from the I Do Solemnly Swear collection.

Abraham Lincoln: Library of Congress flickr Set - (Prints and Photographs) View 22 images of Lincoln taken over a 20 year period—from the earliest known photographic likeness in 1846, through the U.S. presidential campaign of 1860, and the pressures of the Civil War years.

Abraham Lincoln: Second Inauguration: March 4, 1865 - (Special Presentation) View documents related to Lincoln's second inauguration from the I Do Solemnly Swear collection.

African-American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship - (Special Presentation) Examine the quest for equality from the early national period through the twentieth century. A section of the exhibition focuses on the Emancipation Proclamation.

Alfred Whital Stern Collection of Lincolniana - (American Memory Collection) The collection contains more than 11,100 items. This online release presents over 1,300 items with a over 4,000 images and a date range of 1824-1931. It includes Lincoln’s law papers, sheet music, broadsides, prints, cartoons, maps, drawings, letters, campaign tickets, newspapers from Lincoln

Assassination of President Lincoln, The - (Prints and Photographs) This reference aid links to selected images that relate to Lincoln's assassination.

Assassination of President Lincoln, The - (Special Presentation) View a timeline and a gallery of images relating to Lincoln's assassination.

Civil War - (Community Center) Explore these themed resources related to the Civil War.

Civil War Sheet Music - (Performing Arts) This collection of more than 2500 pieces offers a contemporary perspective from both sides of the conflict. Use the search term "Lincoln" to retrieve sheet music about Abraham Lincoln.

Emancipation Proclamation, The - (Special Presentation) View a timeline and gallery of images related to the Emancipation Proclamation.

Gettysburg Address, The - (Exhibition) View two original drafts of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address.

Illinois Political Campaign of 1858 - (Rare Books) View the digitized pages of a scrapbook assembled by Abraham Lincoln.

Library of Congress Video Vignettes - (Internet Resources) John Sellers, curator of the new Library of Congress Lincoln exhibit - With Malice Toward None - discusses exhibit highlights in these video vignettes from C-SPAN.

Lincoln and the Law - (Library of Congress Bibliography) Link to a selection of digitized books from Law Library of Congress’ historical collection illustrating three periods in which the law played a prominent part of the Lincoln era.

Lincoln Bicentennial Exhibition - (Exhibitions) The Lincoln Bicentennial Exhibition will be opening on February 12, 2009. Watch for the online version of the exhibition.

Lincoln Bicentennial: Learning About Lincoln - (Internet Resources) The Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission site offers lesson plans, classroom resources, information about professional development opportunities, reading lists, and ideas for civic education and community projects.

Mr. Lincoln's Virtual Library: Related Resources - (Special Presentation) Link to Lincoln selected resources on the Library of Congress Web site and beyond.

Political Cartoon Analysis - (Internet Resources) This political cartoon analysis activity from The Eastern Illinois University Teaching With Primary Sources program focuses on four Lincoln cartoons.

Presidents as Poets: Abraham Lincoln - (Library of Congress Bibliography) Read a sampling of poems written by Abraham Lincoln.

Primary Documents in American History: 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution - (Library of Congress Bibliography) Link to resources about this amendment that formally abolished slavery in the United States.

Primary Documents in American History: Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address - (Library of Congress Bibliography) Link to resources related to Lincoln's second inaugural address delivered on March 4, 1865, during the final days of the Civil War and only a month before he was assassinated.

Primary Documents in American History: Emancipation Proclamation - (Library of Congress Bibliography) Link to resources related to this historic proclamation issued by Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863.

Primary Documents in American History: Gettysburg Address - (Library of Congress Bibliography) Link to resources related to Lincoln's famous November 19, 1863, speech.

Revising Himself: Walt Whitman and Leaves of Grass - (Exhibition) Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass, presents Whitman's vision of America over the last half of the nineteenth century. The exhibition traces the occupations and preparations that led Whitman to evolve as a poet. The Poet of the Nation chapter provides insight into the parallel lives of Lincoln and Whitman.

Selected Images of Abraham Lincoln - (Prints and Photographs) In preparation for Abraham Lincoln bicentennial events, a wide variety of Lincoln-related images have recently been scanned.

Teaching With Lincoln - (Internet Resources) Use these resources to teach your students about Lincoln. Timelines illustrated with primary sources include Lincoln's Personal Life and Lincoln's Professional Life.

With Malice Toward None: The Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Exhibition - (Exhibition) In commemoration of the two-hundredth anniversary of Lincoln's birth, this exhibition reveals Lincoln the man, whose thoughts, words, and actions were deeply affected by personal experiences and pivotal historic events.

  Especially for your Students...

American Treasures of the Library of Congress - (Exhibition) Enter the term "Abraham Lincoln" in the search box at the top of the page to locate more than 25 entries related to Lincoln. Highlights include a page from his student sum book, the final draft of the Emancipation Proclamation and the first draft of the Gettysburg Address.

Civil War Photograph Album - (Document) Explore images of Civil War personalities in this photo album assembled by John Hay, personal secretary to President Abraham Lincoln.

Contents of Lincoln's Pockets, The - (Rare Books) View high resolution images of the items that were in Lincoln's pockets on the evening of his assasination. Learn more in this American Treasures exhibition entry.

Honestly Abe, Is That You? - (Wise Guide) Read about the recent discovery of three glass negatives that reveal details of Abraham Lincoln's second inauguration.

I Spy - Lincoln's Inauguration - (Learning Page Activity) Explore this photograph taken at Lincoln’s second inaugural address on March 4, 1865.

Jump Back in Time: April 14, 1865 (The Assassination of President Lincoln) - (America's Library) Read about Lincoln's assassination.

Jump Back in Time: Civil War - (America's Library) Link to more than 35 Civil War stories. Scroll through the list to find stories related to Abraham Lincoln.

Jump Back in Time: February 9, 1888 (Walt Whitman) - (America's Library) Learn about O Captain! My Captain! - Walt Whitman's poem about Abraham Lincoln.

Jump Back in Time: November 19, 1863 - (America's Library) Read about Lincoln’s delivery of the Gettysburg Address.

Life Mask of Abraham Lincoln - (Rare Books) This life mask was taken by Leonard Wells Volck during the Lincoln/Douglas debates.

Lincoln Bicentennial: For Kids and Young Adults - (Internet Resources) Link to suggested reading lists, take the Honest Abe Quiz, learn about projects and contests, and play the Abraham Lincoln Crossroads Game.

Lincoln Mosaic - (Internet Resources) Explore Lincoln-related images in this interactive exhibit from the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum. Many images link directly to the Library of Congress record.

Lincoln Slide Show - (Prints and Photographs) View a slide show of Abraham Lincoln images ranging from his earliest known photograph taken at age 37 to a March, 1865 photograph taken on the balcony at the White House.

Meet Amazing Americans: Abraham Lincoln - (America's Library) Learn about America’s 16th president. Read other stories about his youth, his sense of humor and what was in his pockets on the night he died.

Today in History (April 14, 1865) The Assassination of President Lincoln - (Today in History) On this date actor John Wilkes Booth entered the presidential box at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C., and fatally shot President Abraham Lincoln.

Today in History (April 16, 1862) Abolition in the District of Columbia - (Today in History) On this date Abraham Lincoln signed an act abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia.

Today in History (February 9, 1888) O Captain! My Captain! - (Today in History) Read about the poem Whitman wrote in response to the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

Today in History (March 4, 1861) Abraham Lincoln's First Inauguration - (Today in History) Lincoln was sworn in as the sixteenth president of the United States.

Today in History (November 19, 1863) Gettysburg Address - (Today in History) On this date President Abraham Lincoln delivered a short speech at the close of ceremonies dedicating the battlefield cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Today in History (September 22, 1862) Emancipation Proclamation - (Today in History) On this date Abraham Lincoln issued a preliminary Emancipation Proclamation, threatening to free all the slaves in the states in rebellion if those states did not return to the Union by January 1, 1863.

lesson plans

Use these lesson plans (created by educators for educators) to explore the Lincoln with your students in your classroom:

Mathew Brady Bunch - (Grades 6-12) Students become reporters, analyzing a Civil War photograph, and writing a newspaper article based on their chosen photograph. Students may choose a Lincoln photograph as a basis for their research.

What Do You See? - (Grades 5-12) Students analyze Civil War photographs, and develop links between the Civil War and American industrialization. This lesson could be adapted for use with photographs depicting Abraham Lincoln.

collection connections

Create your own collaborative lesson plans using material related to this month's theme assembled from The Learning Page Collection Connections:

Mr. Lincoln's Virtual Library - (Summary Only) This site serves as a gateway to two other American Memory Collections on Abraham Lincoln and includes a presentation about some of the Lincoln documents held by the Library of Congress.

Civil War Treasures from the New York Historical Society - (Summary and Teaching Resources) Search this collection using the term "Lincoln" to locate photos and documents about Abraham Lincoln.

Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress - (Summary and Teaching Resources) The items of Abraham Lincoln Papers at the Library of Congress provide a biography of Lincoln from his early years, through his legislative career and presidency, to his assassination.

Washington During the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865 - (Summary and Teaching Resources) This collection documents life in Civil War era Washington, D.C. as seen through the eyes of Horatio Taft.

Frederick Douglass Papers at the Library of Congress, The - (Summary and Teaching Resources) This collection includes papers and documents related to Abraham Lincoln.

American Time Capsule: Three Centuries of Broadsides and Other Printed Ephemera, An - (Summary and Teaching Resources) Search this collection using the term "Abraham Lincoln" to locate examples of Lincoln ephemera.

Selected Civil War Photographs - (Summary and Teaching Resources) Search this collection using the term "Abraham Lincoln" for photographs featuring Lincoln and documenting his assassination.

America Singing: Nineteenth-Century Song Sheets - (Summary and Teaching Resources) Search this collection using the word "Abraham Lincoln" for song sheets related to Lincoln.

search terms

These terms may be useful when searching for items related to this theme in the American Memory collections.

Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln, Abraham +key date Lincoln +home
Gettysburg Address Lincoln, Abraham +portrait Lincoln +Civil War generals
Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, Abraham +speech Lincoln +name of Civil War battle
Lincoln, Abraham +autobiography Lincoln, Abraham +Springfield Lincoln +name of family member
Lincoln, Abraham +campaign Lincoln Memorial Lincoln +pictorial envelope
Lincoln, Abraham +birthplace Lincoln +abolition Lincoln +slavery
Lincoln, Abraham +election Lincoln +cartoon Lincoln +songs and music
Lincoln, Abraham +inauguration Lincoln +Douglas

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Last updated 10/31/2008