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Acropora palmata thicket on Mona Island, Puerto Rico. Andy Bruckner, 1996Coho salmon painting, Canadian Dept of Fisheries and OceansMonk seal, C.E. BowlbyHumpback whale, Dr. Lou Herman
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Proactive Species Conservation Grants Funded

Background | Species of Concern List | Contacts | Grant Program | Grants and Technical Resources/Links

The following grants have been funded through the Proactive Species Conservation Grant program.

2008 | 2007 | 2006

Proactive Species Conservation Grants Funded

NOTE: Some grants were awarded for multiple years. The Federal funding amounts indicated in the tables below are for FY2008
Agency Project Title Federal
Georgia Department of Natural Resources Alabama shad (Alosa alabamae) restoration for the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee- Flint River Basin, Florida, Georgia, Alabama
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands CNMI proactive species conservation: Assessment of status and habitat specificity of Cheilinus undulatus and Bolbometopon muricataum in the Southern Islands of the CNMI
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries MDMF Sand tiger shark conservation research effort
Mississippi Department of Marine Resources Fundulus jenkinsi, Saltmarsh Topminnow: Conservation Planning and Implementation
Maine Department of Marine Resources A multi-state collaborative to develop and implement a conservation program for three anadromous finfish species of concern in the Gulf of Maine


Proactive Species Conservation Grants Funded

NOTE: These grants were awarded for five years. The Federal funding amounts indicated in the tables below are for FY2007.
Agency Project Title Federal

Mississippi Department of Marine Resources

Fundulus jenkinsi, Saltmarsh Topminnow: Conservation Planning and Implementation


Maine Department of Marine Resources

A multi-state collaborative to develop and implement a conservation program for three anadromous finfish species of concern in the Gulf of Maine



Proactive Species Conservation Grants Funded

NOTE: Grants were awarded for five years. The Federal funding amounts indicated in the tables below are for FY2006.
Agency Project Title Federal
Mississippi Department of Marine Resources Fundulus jenkinsi, Saltmarsh Topminnow: Conservation Planning and Implementation
Maine Department of Marine Resources A multi-state collaborative to develop and implement a conservation program for three anadromous finfish species of concern in the Gulf of Maine


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