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MOVES (Motor Vehicle Emission Simulator)

EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) is developing the MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator (MOVES). This new emission modeling system will estimate emissions for on-road and nonroad mobile sources, cover a broad range of pollutants, and allow multiple scale analysis--from fine-scale analysis to national inventory estimation.

When fully implemented, MOVES will serve as the replacement for MOBILE6 and NONROAD for all official analyses associated with regulatory development, compliance with statutory requirements, and national/regional inventory projections.

NOTE: You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, available as a free download, to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more about PDF, and for a link to the free Acrobat Reader.

A draft version of MOVES is now available. The draft model is not approved for use in State Implementation Plans or conformity determinations, but modelers are encouraged to use the model and provide comment to EPA. A final version of MOVES for car and truck emissions is planned for late 2009.

For further information:

MOVES staff email: mobile@epa.gov.
Updates and news on EPA mobile source emission models: Listserver Subscription Information
For further information or assistance regarding this web page, contact:
ASD Information Line, phone: 734-214-4636 or email: asdinfo@epa.gov.

Instructions for downloading and extracting DraftMOVES2009InstallationSuite.zip

  1. After clicking on the Download Draft MOVES2009 link, save
    DraftMOVES2009InstallationSuite.zip to your computer.  This is a very large file and even with a high-speed connection may take 15-20 minutes to download; a slower connection may require more time.  Large downloads work best when you are not running other applications on your computer and when traffic on your network is low.
  2. If using WinZip:
    1. Double-click the DraftMOVES2009InstallationSuite.zip icon.
    2. This will open the WinZip self-extractor and allow you to choose a directory for the MOVES files.
    3. Click the "UnZip" button.
  3. If using Windows XP:
    1. Download to c:\DraftMOVES2009InstallationSuite.zip
    2. After download is complete, double click on c:\DraftMOVES2009InstallationSuite.zip
    3. In Folder Tasks (on left), select "Extract all files"
    4. In the Extraction Wizard, select "Next" (files will be extracted to a folder called c:\DraftMOVES2009InstallationSuite)
    5. When Extract Wizard is finished, click "Finish"
  4. The unzipped contents of the Draft MOVES2009 files will be placed in c:\DraftMOVES2009InstallationSuite in the form of six unzipped folders, a pdf file, and the readme.txt installation instructions.
  5. Refer to the readme.txt for information on installing the Draft MOVES2009 model.

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