Region 6, Mountain-Prairie Region, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuges in the Mountain-Prairie Region


Seedskadee NWR National Elk Refuge Wyoming map showing the location of National Wildlife Refuges Seedskadee NWR
     Cokeville Meadows NWR

National Elk Refuge

Managed by Arapaho NWR  (in Colorado)
Pathfinder NWR
     Mortensen Lake NWR
     Banforth NWR
     Hutton NWR

Wyoming Refuge Map with highways

Photos of the wildlife found on National Wildlife Refuges in Wyoming

Wyoming has seven National Wildlife Refuges.

The National Elk Refuge is managed to provide a winter home for an average of 7,500 elk, over half of the Jackson Hole population.  Late in October and early in November, when snow comes to the high passes, elk begin their traditional migration from high summer range in the Tetons and South Yellowstone to low winter range in the valley.  Many of the elk make their way to the National Elk Refuge. While elk are the primary reason for the Refuge, other animals of the high country including moose, bighorn sheep, bison, mule deer, wolves (generally in winter) and coyotes, badgers and Uinta ground squirrels can be found on the Refuge.  Waterfowl are commonly seen on pond and marsh areas, and trumpeter swans can be seen nesting with their young on the Flat Creek Marsh.

Seedskadee NWR, located on the Green River, contains a variety of habitats and a corresponding great diversity of wildlife.  The Refuge's cottonwood/willow woodlands provide important habitat for migrating and resident song birds.  Over 200 species of birds have been observed on the Refuge.  Canada geese and a variety of ducks have nested along the river for centuries.  During the summer, sage grouse flocks can be seen making their way to the river for water.

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