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Magnitude 6.6 - KURIL ISLANDS

2009 April 18 19:18:01 UTC

Earthquake Details

Location46.061°N, 151.383°E
Depth57.1 km (35.5 miles)
Distances290 km (180 miles) ENE of Kuril'sk, Kuril Islands
625 km (390 miles) SW of Severo-Kuril'sk, Kuril Islands, Russia
1515 km (940 miles) NE of TOKYO, Japan
7155 km (4440 miles) NE of MOSCOW, Russia
Location Uncertaintyhorizontal +/- 4.7 km (2.9 miles); depth +/- 8.9 km (5.5 miles)
ParametersNST=309, Nph=309, Dmin=725.5 km, Rmss=0.87 sec, Gp= 32°,
M-type=teleseismic moment magnitude (Mw), Version=Q
Event IDus2009fpb3
  • This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.
  • Did you feel it? Report shaking and damage at your location. You can also view a map displaying accumulated data from your report and others.

Earthquake Summary

Small globe showing earthquakeSmall map showing earthquake

Felt Reports

Recorded (3 JMA) in southeastern Hokkaido. Also recorded (1 JMA) in Aomori, Iwate and Miyagi, Honshu.