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Test Car List Data Files

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This website provides links to EPA's test vehicle fuel economy data. The data has been collected by Model Year since 1984 and been formatted to downloadable and comma-delimited files for import into databases or spreadsheets.

Description and Instructions on Test Car List Data files (PDF) (10 pp, 34K, June 2005, About PDF)

Model Year File Description
2009 Test Car List Data (590K, comma-delimited, December 2008)
2008 Test Car List Data (741K, comma-delimited, November 2008)
2007 Test Car List Data (741K, comma-delimited, October 2007)
2006 Test Car List Data (559K, comma-delimited, October 2005)
2005 Test Car List Data (532K, comma-delimited, October 2006)
2004 Test Car List Data (581K, comma-delimited, October 2003)
2003 Test Car List Data (671K, comma-delimited, October 2003)
2002 Test Car List Data (568K, comma-delimited, October 2004)
2001 Test Car List Data (567K, comma-delimited, October 2004)
2000 Test Car List Data (614K, comma-delimited, October 2004)
1999 Test Car List Data (75K Zip file of comma-delimited file, August 2004)
1998 Test Car List Data (74K Zip file of comma-delimited file, August 2004)
1997 Test Car List Data (39K Zip file of TXT file, September 1996)
1996 Test Car List Data (46K Zip file of TXT file, May 1996)
1995 Test Car List Data (53K Zip file of TXT file, March 1996)
1994 Test Car List Data (51K Zip file of TXT file, March 1996)
1993 Test Car List Data (74K Zip file of TXT file, October 1992)
1992 Test Car List Data (75K Zip file of TXT file, February 1992)
1991 Test Car List Data (82K Zip file of TXT file, July 1991)
1990 Test Car List Data (78K Zip file of TXT file, August 1990)
1989 Test Car List Data (74K Zip file of TXT file, May 1990)
1988 Test Car List Data (72K Zip file of TXT file, May 1990)
1987 Test Car List Data (77K Zip file of TXT file, May 1990)
1986 Test Car List Data (75K Zip file of TXT file, December 1991)
1985 Test Car List Data (111K Zip file of TXT file, May 1990)
1984 Test Car List Data (94K Zip file of TXT file, May 1990)

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