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News Release [print friendly page]
July 24, 2003

Operation Fuente: Cash Rewards for Heroin Information

photo - Heroin metro adsJuly 24, 2003 - Operation Fuente is a heroin intelligence collection effort that utilizes newspaper ads, leaflets, posters, billboards, metro ads, and television commercials to advertise a toll-free heroin information hotline. Callers can receive reward money for information on heroin organizations, stash sites, and laboratories if the information leads to arrests or seizures. The Bogota Country Office plans to expand the program to other Colombian cities located in heroin source and production zones in the near future.

The DEA Bogota Country Office kicked off "Operation Fuente" at a joint press conference with the Colombian National Police in Medellin, Colombia on July 2, 2003. DEA Regional Director Leo Arreguin and Colombian National Police Brigadier General Leaonardo Gallego Castrillon provided a brief introduction to the initiative and answered questions from the media. The press conference was a huge success with a larger-than-expected turnout of reporters. Several local and national television media outlets were on hand to cover the conference live, broadcasting both locally in Medellin and throughout Colombia.

Following the press conference, a formal government luncheon at Rionegro Ranch was held at the request of Colombian President Alvaro Uribe-Velez and the Governor of Antioquia. Colombian Government Officials and National Police Command Staff attended the luncheon via a Colombian Air Force Blackhawk Helicopter. Bogota Colombia Office personnel were honored in support of the Heroin Initiative Campaign in Medellin.


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