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OSHA News Release (Archived)
1995 - 09/21/1995 - New OSHA Cd-Rom Does More, Costs Less

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News Release USDL: 95-389
Thursday, September 21, 1995
Contact: Susan Hall Fleming, (202) 219-8151

New OSHA Cd-Rom Does More, Costs Less

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration's latest CD-ROM disc, which includes considerably more information than previous releases, will now cost less.

For $79, rather than $88 for a one-year subscription or $28 per single disc, purchasers will get all OSHA standards, the OSH Act and OSHA Federal Register notices. CD-Rom users also will find preambles to final rules, Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission decisions, standards interpretations and frequently asked questions, corporate-wide settlement agreements, fact sheets, the Field Inspection Reference Manual, variances, the OSHA Technical Manual, Congressional testimony, chemical sampling information, OSHA directives, hazard information bulletins, speeches, analytical methods, compliance memos, a listing of Nationally Recognized Testing Labs, memorandums of understanding with other agencies, approved blood lead testing labs, an index to OSHA publications, SAVEs (Standard Alleged Violation Elements), Mine Safety and Health Administration standards, GOCAD (cadmium biological monitoring advisor), Bureau of Labor Statistics recordkeeping guidelines and the occupational safety and health laws and regulations of Mexico.

The newest version supports Windows, Macintosh and DOS-based computers and permits Windows users to jump from one related document to another through hypertext links. Release A95-3, current through June 1995, contains thousands of pages of OSHA documents and regulations. The disc includes retrieval software that allows a PC user to search the text of the materials, display documents and view images. New Windows software is easier to use and permits users to copy individual databases to their PC hard drive to access data without using the CD-ROM.

Titled "OSHA Regulations, Documents, and Technical Information on CD-ROM," the disc is available from the Government Printing Office as a one-year subscription (stock number 729-013-00000-5) for $79 or as a single disc for $28. GPO will accept VISA, MasterCard or GPO Deposit Account charges. Written orders must be prepaid. Mail checks, payable to Superintendent of Documents, along with orders to GPO, Washington, D.C. 20402. For telephone orders, call (202) 512-1800. Currently GPO sends out more than 14,000 OSHA CD-ROM discs each quarter.

Installation instructions, user instructions and a description of information on the CD-ROM are included in a small booklet enclosed in the CD-ROM case. OSHA's CD-ROM help desk at (801) 487-0680 can provide further information and answer questions on the product.

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NOTICE: This is an OSHA Archive Document, and may no longer represent OSHA Policy. It is presented here as historical content, for research and review purposes only.

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