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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 525  

Employment of Workers With Disabilities Under Special Certificates

29 CFR 525.5 - Wage payments.

  • Section Number: 525.5
  • Section Name: Wage payments.

    (a) An individual whose earning or productive capacity is not 
impaired for the work being performed cannot be employed under a 
certificate issued pursuant to this part and must be paid at least the 
applicable minimum wage. An individual whose earning or productive 
capacity is impaired to the extent that the individual is unable to earn 
at least the applicable minimum wage may be paid a commensurate wage, 
but only after the employer has obtained a certificate authorizing 
payment of special minimum wages from the appropriate office of the Wage 
and Hour Division of the Department of Labor.
    (b) With respect to patient workers employed in institutions, no 
deductions can be made from such individuals' commensurate wages to 
cover the cost of room, board, or other services provided by the 
facility. Such an individual must receive his or her wages free and 
clear, except for amounts deducted for taxes assessed against the 
employee and any voluntary wage assignments directed by the employee. 
(See part 531 of this title.) However, it is not the intention of these 
regulations to preclude the institution thereafter from assessing or 
collecting charges for room, board, and other services actually provided 
to an individual to the extent permitted by applicable Federal or State 
law and on the same basis as it assesses and collects from nonworking 
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