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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 525  

Employment of Workers With Disabilities Under Special Certificates

29 CFR 525.16 - Records to be kept by employers.

  • Section Number: 525.16
  • Section Name: Records to be kept by employers.

    Every employer, or where appropriate (in the case of records 
verifying the workers' disabilities) the referring agency or facility, 
of workers employed under special minimum wage certificates shall 
maintain and have available for inspection records indicating:
    (a) Verification of the workers' disabilities;
    (b) Evidence of the productivity of each worker with a disability 
gathered on a continuing basis or at periodic intervals (not to exceed 
six months in the case of employees paid hourly wage rates);
    (c) The prevailing wages paid workers not disabled for the job 
performed who are employed in industry in the vicinity for essentially 
the same type of work using similar methods and equipment as that used 
by each worker with disabilities employed under a special minimum wage 
certificate (see also Sec. 525.10(b) and (d));
    (d) The production standards and supporting documentation for 
nondisabled workers for each job being performed by workers with 
disabilities employed under special certificates; and
    (e) The records required under all of the applicable provisions of 
part 516 of this title, except that any provision
pertaining to homeworker handbooks shall not be applicable to workers 
with disabilities who are employed by a recognized nonprofit 
rehabilitation facility and working in or about a home, apartment, 
tenement, or room in a residential establishment. (See Sec. 525.15) 
Records required by this section shall be maintained and preserved for 
the periods specified in part 516 of this title.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 
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