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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 525  

Employment of Workers With Disabilities Under Special Certificates

29 CFR 525.1 - Introduction.

  • Section Number: 525.1
  • Section Name: Introduction.

    The Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1986 (Pub. L. 99-486, 100 
Stat. 1229) substantially revised those provisions of the Fair Labor 
Standards Act
of 1938 (29 U.S.C. 201) (FLSA) permitting the employment of individuals 
disabled for the work to be performed (workers with disabilities) at 
special minimum wage rates below the rate that would otherwise be 
required by statute. These provisions are codified at section 14(c) of 
the FLSA and:
    (a) Provide for the employment under certificates of individuals 
with disabilities at special minimum wage rates which are commensurate 
with those paid to workers not disabled for the work to be performed 
employed in the vicinity for essentially the same type, quality, and 
quantity of work;
    (b) Require employers to provide written assurances that wage rates 
of individuals paid on an hourly rate basis be reviewed at least once 
every six months and that the wages of all employees be reviewed at 
least annually to reflect changes in the prevailing wages paid to 
experienced individuals not disabled for the work to be performed 
employed in the locality for essentially the same type of work;
    (c) Prohibit employers from reducing the wage rates prescribed by 
certificate in effect on June 1, 1986, for two years;
    (d) Permit the continuance or establishment of work activities 
centers; and
    (e) Provide that any employee receiving a special minimum wage rate 
pursuant to section 14(c), or the parent or guardian of such an 
employee, may petition for a review of that wage rate by an 
administrative law judge.

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