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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 575  

Waiver of Child Labor Provisions for Agricultural Employment of 10 and 11 Year Old Minors In Hand Harvesting of Short Season Crops

29 CFR 575.1 - Purpose and scope.

  • Section Number: 575.1
  • Section Name: Purpose and scope.

    (a) Section 13(c)(4) was added to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 
1938, as amended, by the Fair Labor Standards Amendments of 1977. This 
section provides that:

    (A) An employer or group of employers may apply to the Secretary for 
a waiver of the application of section 12 to the employment for not more 
than 8 weeks in any calendar year of individuals who are less than 12 
years of age, but not less than 10 years of age, as hand harvest 
laborers in an agricultural operation which has been, and is customarily 
and generally recognized as being, paid on a piece rate basis in the 
region in which such individuals would be employed. The Secretary may 
not grant such a waiver unless he finds, based on objective data 
submitted by the applicant, that:
    (i) The crop to be harvested is one with a particularly short 
harvesting season and the application of section 12 would cause severe 
economic disruption in the industry of the employer or group of 
employers applying for the waiver;
    (ii) The employment of the individuals to whom the waiver would 
apply would not be deleterious to their health or well-being;
    (iii) The level and type of pesticides and other chemicals used 
would not have an adverse effect on the health or well-being of the 
individuals to whom the waiver would apply;
    (iv) Individuals age 12 and above are not available for such 
employment; and
    (v) The industry of such employer or group of employers has 
traditionally and substantially employed individuals under 12 years of 
age without displacing substantial job opportunities for individuals 
over 16 years of age.
    (B) Any waiver granted by the Secretary under subparagraph (A) shall 
require that:
    (i) The individuals employed under such waiver be employed outside 
of school hours for the school district where they are living while so 
    (ii) Such individuals while so employed commute daily from their 
permanent residence to the farm on which they are so employed; and
    (iii) Such individuals be employed under such waiver (I) for not 
more than 8 weeks between June 1 and October 15 of any calendar year, 
and (II) in accordance with such other terms and conditions as the 
Secretary shall prescribe for such individuals' protection.

    (b) The child labor provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act, 
section 12, require the following age standards for employment in 
    (1) 16 years of age in any occupation at any time;
    (2) 14 and 15 years of age outside of school hours except in 
occupations found and declared by the Secretary to be particularly 
hazardous for the employment of minors under 16 years of age (subpart E-
1, 29 CFR 570.70, et seq.);
    (3) 12 and 13 years of age in nonhazardous occupations outside of 
school hours if:
    (i) Such employment is with the written consent of a parent or 
person standing in the place of a parent of such minor, or
    (ii) Such employment is on the same farm where such parent or person 
is also employed;
    (4) Under 12 years of age in nonhazardous occupations outside of 
school hours if such employment is with the written consent of a parent 
or person standing in place of a parent of such minor, on a farm where, 
because of the provisions of section 13(a)(6)(A) of the Act, none of the 
employees are required to be paid at the wage rate prescribed by section 
6(a)(5) of the Act;
    (5) 10 and 11 years of age in nonhazardous occupations outside of 
school hours employed to hand-harvest short season crop or crops under a 
waiver issued pursuant to section 13(c)(4) of the Act and this part:
    (6) Minors of any age may be employed by their parents or persons 
standing in place of their parents at any time in any occupation on a 
farm owned or operated by their parents or persons standing in place of 
their parents.
    (c) This part provides the procedures to be used under section 
13(c)(4) of the Act. This part describes the information and defines the 
supporting data that the employer or group of employers must submit when 
applying for a waiver of the child labor provisions for the employment 
of 10 and 11 year old minors as hand-harvest laborers in an agricultural 
operation. It further explains the specific requirements imposed by the 
statute for employment under a waiver and specifies the conditions 
prescribed by the Secretary for employment under a waiver.

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