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Poland Local time: 08:43 PM

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Your company's successful entry into the fast-growing Polish market is our goal. No other organization has the global capabilities and network of the U.S. Commercial Service.
Knowing that you need timely information to accomplish your export goals, we offer our market knowledge and export assistance directly to you. Our staff can help you identify potential business partners, obtain valuable market intelligence, and launch your company into Poland. 

News & Events

Ambassador Tours Dell's New Production Facility in Poland

AMB Visit to Dell

On February 16, after a lunch hosted by the Mayor of Lodz along with the local Governor, Ambassador Ashe and SCO McCaslin visited Dell's new plant just outside of Lodz in central Poland, which was completed last year and is already churning out laptops for the entire European market. It is Dell's most sophisticated and hi-tech manufacturing facility in the world. The plant currently operates three production lines with 1800 employees and expects to add more production lines and employees when it starts producing PC's in addition to laptops. Not only is Dell a leading hi-tech employer in the region, it is also a good corporate citizen, having planted over 400,000 new trees around Lodz as part of its green program to reduce its carbon footprint. It plans to continue to plant new trees for each product it ships.

In the picture in the center are Ambassador Ashe with Dell Poland head Filipkowski on his right, with SCO McCaslin on the far right and Economic Officer Worth Anderson on the far left.

New Commercial Attache Linda Caruso arrives in Warsaw

 Linda CarusoLinda Caruso began her first tour with the U.S. Commercial Service in Warsaw on November 3, 2008. She brings with her extensive international business experience. Linda has worked as a Trade Analyst for the Italian Trade Commission in Chicago and opened global markets for Schwinn Bicycle Company. In addition, Linda served as a call center Customer Service Manager in the Netherlands for Lucent Technologies (Avaya) for the Europe, Middle East and Africa regions. Linda is an experienced instructional designer and has developed a wide variety of training material for U.S. and international businesses. John McCaslin, Senior Commercial Officer, and the entire CS Warsaw staff welcome Linda!

 In the photo from right to left: Linda Caruso and CR Barbara Grabowska

Ambassador Ashe and John McCaslin visited 3M's office

Visit to 3MAmbassador Ashe, accompanied by SCO John McCaslin, visited 3M's main office just outside of Warsaw. We were hosted by Frede Pedersen, Regional Managing Director of Central and Eastern Europe (2nd from left) and Zbigniew Grabowski, Regional Manager, Corporate Affairs and Marketing (far left). 3M has over 2500 employees in Poland and manufactures and distributes a range of products, not just in Poland but throughout Europe. Their business is growing and they plan to turn the Polish operations into a "superhub" for Europe.

State of Virginia Calls on Ambassador Ashe

State of Virginia Calls on Ambassador Ashe

Vieira, Hudson, Saunders and Archer are U.S. firms that are in Warsaw as a part of a state of Virginia Trade Mission organized by their local contracter, Chris O'Neill. SCO McCaslin and ECON gave a Polish market briefing to the group and the companies had individual meetings with our Commercial Specialists.

In the photo from left to right: John McCaslin, Orlanda Vieira, Jeff Hudson, AMB, Gary Saunders, Guy Archer, Chris O'Neill

2012 European Cup Championships - Business Opportunities For U.S. Firms

Euro 2012 logo Poland and Ukraine were recently selected to jointly host the European Cup soccer championships in June 2012.  In order to prepare for  the expected 500,000 visitors during three weeks of play, authorities in Poland and Ukraine must oversee massive building and renovation of their countries’ sports complexes, road, airport and rail infrastructures, and tourist facilities.  In Poland, three new stadiums will be built and three more renovated and expanded.  To accommodate the games as well as Poland’s growing economy, new construction is slated to create 900 kilometers of highway, full modernization of eight airports and upgrades of the country’s entire railway grid.  Funding for construction will come form central and local governments, European Union and private sources. 

U.S. companies will have significant business opportunities stemming from the 2012 build out ranging from architecture/design/engineering and construction services to equipment and support services.  CS Warsaw will counsel U.S. firms on how to best position themselves for business in this sector and will report specific trade leads as they become available.  Please check our "Latest Market Reports" section below and for more information, please contact us directly.

For information on 2012 European Cup - related business opportunities in Ukraine, please refer to resources available through CS Kiev.

Latest Market Reports by U.S. Commercial Service, Warsaw

  • Biofuels Market (ISA - Industry Sector Analysis)
  • Civil Aviation Market (ISA)
  • Defense Market in Poland (ISA)
  • E-Commerce B2B (ISA)
  • E-Commerce B2C (ISA)
  • Insurance Services Market (ISA)
  • Shopping Centers Development in Poland (ISA)
  • Tender for Highway Service Areas (IMI - International Market Insight) (2012 - related content)

For more information on market research being prepeared by our office click here

Poland's Business Portal for Foreign Investors and Resident Business Expatriates is Poland's leading business portal for foreign and expatriate investors. In English-language only, the site targets Poland's foreign business community exclusively - not only with business news and information, but also business directories and community and networking features. is primarily used to find key company contacts in their on-line database, find Polish business news, and conduct research and analysis on Polish companies and industries. The high-quality and focused business content attracts more than 1,000 foreign business people to the site every day.

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