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Contributing to Understand our Society
This program includes titles on cultural studies, history, religion, and library science. A world-famous series that epitomizes the program’s cross-cultural and interdisciplinary perspective is Science across Cultures: the History of Non-Western Science.
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Robot and Human Ethics

Call for papers for special issue.

Guest editor: Anthony Beavers

What we can learn about human ethics by our attempt to build moral machines? To this end, papers are requested that explore various facets of this question, including ...More

NEW: Contemporary Jewry

This journal is the single source for social scientific consideration of the institutions, trends, character, and concerns of world Jewry.

Offering contributions by established and emerging scholars, its coverage spans a range of social science disciplines ...More

Outstanding Academic Title

Encyclopaedia of the History of STM in Non-Western Cultures
Winner of the Outstanding Academic Title award for 2008 from Choice.

H. Selin (Ed.)
2nd Edition

Contains almost 600 entries on the history of the scientific, technological and medical accomplishments of cultures outside the United States and Europe.
Darwin Year
Join us in celebrating the Darwin Year 2009. Browse our manifold publications in the field and take advantage of a variety of offers. ...More
eBook Collection
The collection includes reference works, monographs, as well as series. Search less, research more, start today ...More
Just Published:
Contemporary Research in France

Edited by A. Brenner & J. Gayon

A showcase of French philosophy of science, illustrating the different methods ...More
Please find here the most recent products in Humanities. ... More
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