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Education - Journals and Academic Books
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Helping the world’s educators to fulfill their potential
Covers specialized fields including math and science education and offers many titles on assessment, leadership and most other organizational aspects of education.

This program offers insights from a variety of perspectives and disciplines.
New Books Innovation in your field ...More
Journals Keeping you informed and up to date ...More
Book Series Compiled by experts for experts ...More
For Instructors Inspire your students and optimize your teaching ...More
Reference Works You can't afford to miss these titles ...More
Authors Everything you need to know ...More

AERA San Diego 2009

In case you were not able to attend the conference we would like to inform you that you can still take advantage of the 20% conference discount on our books.

Follow the link for our titles on display. including instructions on how to use the discount ...More

Now Accepted into ISI

Contributions from History, Philosophy and Sociology of Science and Mathematics.

Editor-in-Chief: Michael R. Matthews

Science & Education has been accepted in March 2009 by Thomson Reuters™ (formerly ISI), for inclusion in the ...More

Award Winning Book

Scientism and Education
Empirical Research as Neo-Liberal Ideology

Edited by Emery Hyslop-Margison & Ayaz Naseem

The decision was a culmination of a three month long deliberative dialogue of the AESA committee. The criteria of the Critics Choice ...More
eBook Collection
The collection includes reference works, monographs, as well as series. Search less, research more, start today ...More
Now at Springer
Main Editor: Y.-l. Moon

► Covers educational research with a focus on broad Asia-Pacific context
► IF: 0.415
CSSE aims to provide an interactive platform for researchers working in the multidisciplinary fields of cultural studies and science education. ...More
Please find here the most recent products in Education. ... More
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