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Database marketing is at the crossroads of technology, business strategy, and customer relationship management. Enabled by sophisticated information and communication systems, today’s organizations have the capacity to analyze customer data to inform and ...More
This book details a novel approach to innovation that emphasizes sustainable and renewable practices. It discusses such companies as Google and Genentech to show how this style of innovation produces sustainable high growth and strong shareholder returns. ...More
The Routes to Market approach for driving profitable growth is used by such companies as IBM, Microsoft, HP, Cisco, and hundreds of smaller companies. This book explains the RTM approach step by step and offers dozens of real-life examples. ...More
A group of scholars and business professionals recently met to discuss how companies could get smart business results by using network technologies. This book, full of new theoretical foundations and practical insights, is the result of the conference. ...More
To support companies that need to master the challenges in purchasing and achieve significant value propositions, this book introduces the Purchasing Chessboard, which provides a strategy for every constellation of buying power and selling power. ...More
For all of the popular books on leadership, few address the topic with empirical research. This book fills that gap. It presents the Leadership Perspectives Model, which analyzes leadership through five distinct orientations. ...More
This book describes Supply Chain Management (SCM) using a pyramidal framework and relates it to the SAP SCM Solution Map. It formulates desired features of IT support for SCM and shows the extent to which SAP systems provide these features. ...More
Bottom Line Management presents a new approach to management. It will help the reader understand an organization’s bottom line and contribute to it. The author has been an Ivy League teacher and professor for more than thirty years and is active in consulting. ...More
The Toolset is a comprehensive collection of the relevant Design for Six Sigma+Lean tools, which are necessary for successfully implementing innovations. All tools are presented in a clear structure, providing a good overview of the methodology. All tools are ...More
Springer offers free electronic sample copies of all of our Business online journals on each journal’s homepage. ...More
This journal publishes high quality empirical and theoretical research on the demand, supply, regulation, and pricing of financial services. ...More
NEW with Springer
A leading scientific journal for advancing the understanding and practice of electronic markets. Editor-in-chief: Hubert Österle ...More
This journal keeps readers up-to-date with the latest research and newest thinking in consumer goods in an easy-to-read, straightforward way. ...More
New eJournal
Business & Information Systems Engineering
BISE is a peer-reviewed scholarly e-journal for the entire techno-economically oriented community with a focus on design science-oriented research.
American Accounting Association has awarded a Review of Accounting Studies paper the award for Best Paper in Financial Accounting and Reporting 2008. ...More
Please find here the most recent products in Business & Management. ... More
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Physica Verlag
A Springer subsidiary, Physica-Verlag specializes in many areas of economics, ranging from managment science to operations research and statistics. ...More