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San Diego Field Station
Sceloporus occidentalis - Western Fence Lizard
Photo by Chris Brown

Scientific name: Sceloporus occidentalis

Common name: Western Fence Lizard

Size: 1.97-3.31 in (5.0-8.4 cm)

Distinguishing characters: A robust species; dorsal scales keeled and pointed; dark brown or black blotched pattern; small blue spots on back and large one on throat; blue ventral patches, with a black mid-ventral stripe separating the patches; yellow or orange on rear under surfaces of limbs.

Juveniles: Lacks blue on throat; blue ventral patches faint or absent.

Dimorphism: Swollen tail base in males with paired enlarged scales just posterior of vent, and femoral pores; female has less vivid markings and lacks, or has smaller, pale blue ventral patches (see photos below).

Similar species: Uta stansburiana: Has black to blue blotch behind forelimbs.

Additional notes: A common species occurring throughout study area. This lizard is often referred to as the "Blue Belly" owing to the large blue patches on the ventral surface of the mature males.

Male Venter
Underside of Male
Female Venter
Underside of Female

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