Experimental Medium Range Forecasts

Medium-range forecasts of anomalous 250 and 750 mb streamfunction using linear inverse modeling are now available for weeks 2-6.

Our procedure is similar to that used to make predictions of tropical IndoPacific sea surface temperature anomalies, except that streamfunction and diabatic heating are our model variables. NCEP MRF model forecasts and current verifications are provided for comparison when available.

These forecasts are experimental and the Climate Diagnostic Center is not responsible for any loss occasioned by the use of these forecasts.

All calculations updated on:
Wed Nov 26 12:03:08 2003

Week 2 LIM anomaly forecast

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MAIN PAGE week 2 and 3 weeks 3/4 and 5/6 technique verification heating data

Document maintained by: PSD Map Room and Matt Newman
Last modified: 3 Jan 2000
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