Real-time Weather-Climate Discussion and Predictive Insights - 10 August 2005

Edward Berry, NWS and Klaus Weickmann, CDC

Since our last discussion (14 June 2005) tropical convective forcing associated with a weak Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) became stationary across the eastern hemisphere from roughly 40-120E, centered on the Bay of Bengal.  This behavior was part of a general westward shift of tropical forcing from the western into the eastern hemispheres since the start of 2005, and has coincided with a westward movement of positive sea surface temperatures anomalies (~0.5-1.5C) from near the date line to 160E. Combined with the seasonal cycle this has resulted in the center of warmest ocean temperature shifting further west into the eastern hemisphere.  Since about early July positive anomalies of tropical convection have started moving slowly east, projecting onto a weak MJO (see the latest Wheeler plot here ).  While there has been some cooling of SSTs along the equator across the central and eastern Pacific, they remain above normal across the western Pacific and east Indian Oceans.  Part I describes the behavior of the tropical convective forcing and circulation anomalies since the start of 2005, followed by predictive insights in Part 2.  For information on the status of El Nino and the MJO (including a week 1-2 global hazards outlook) see the following links: 

Latest CPC ENSO Advisory

Latest CPC MJO Discussion and tools

Part 1.   Weather-Climate Overview

Figure 1 (below) shows three panels consisting of  two Hovmoller plots of outgoing longwave radiation anomalies (OLRA), top, and a plot of global relative atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) on the bottom. OLR anomalies are used as a proxy for deep tropical convection anomalies.  The top left is for the last two years for just the MJO, while the plot to the right focuses on the past six months not only for the MJO, but two other coherent OLR modes.  The contours isolate three coherent OLR modes determined using a time-space filter, including the Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO, blue contours), the Kelvin wave (green contours) and the equatorial Rossby wave (black contours).  The blue (red) shading denotes negative (positive) OLR anomalies meaning enhanced (suppressed) convection.  Annotated on the top panels of Fig. 1 are: 1) "CP coupling" - the coupling of anomalous convection to warm SSTs in the Nino 4 region (see 18 April discussion here), 2) "IO/WP" - the recent period of enhanced convection over Indonesia, 3) "EH" - the period of enhanced convection over the eastern hemisphere, 4) "WH" the period of enhanced convectionover  western hemisphere and 5) MJO#x" - the three MJOs.  The lower panel of Fig. 1 is a plot depicting the latitudinal distribution of zonal mean relative atmospheric angular momentum (AAM) anomalies (top half) and a time series of global relative AAM (bottom portion).  Annotated are regions of westerly (W) and easterly (E) zonal mean wind anomalies.  See Discussion number 3 (10 March 2004) for some additional information on AAM.

Figure 1 (recent OLRA plots: link for equatorlink for north of eq. ; troposphere AAM plot )

The colored horizontal lines on the top panels match the times of the vertical lines on the AAM plot.  These times are roughly a) mid February, black lines, when CP was strong and westerly wind anomalies began propagating off the equator, b) 21 March, brown lines, when easterly wind anomalies returned to the equatorial regions associated with MJO#1, c) mid May, blue lines, when westerly anomalies briefly appeared on the equator, and d) mid-June, orange lines, when easterlies appeared throughout much of the tropics.

General observations from Fig. 1 include: 1) MJO activity was fairly regular from late 2003 to at least mid 2004; 2) after a period of weak MJOs during boreal fall 2004 strong coupling of anomalous convection to the relatively warm central Pacific SSTs occurred, and there was also a general enhancement of tropical convection across the WH; 3) three additional MJOs occurred after CP, each one weaker and farther west; and 4) tropical convective forcing became stationary across the EH centered at about 120E from about mid June-mid July.  Focusing on the top right Hovmoller, which is for the last six months, and comparing it to the AAM plot, it is seen that as the enhanced convective envelope shifted from around the date line to about 80E, and convection decreased or shifted west over the WH.  At the same time AAM went from ~3-4 standard deviations above the 1968-1997 climatology to 2 standard deviations below climatology.  In fact, just as westerly anomalies  ("W") moved off the equator during February, easterly anomalies ("E") come off the equator in July.  The situations during February and July involved stationary forcing, but their phases were opposite as the result of which hemisphere had the enhanced convection (WH/anomalously high AAM; EH/anomalously low AAM).  As will be discussed in more detail in Part 2, slow changes may again be in progress tied to what could be MJO#4 (For 2005).  For the latest satellite imagery see: Latest Indian Ocean Satellite Picture here ;  Latest Western Pacific Satellite Picture  here  ; Latest GOES West Satellite Picture  here ; Latest GOES East Satellite here .

While the intent of Fig. 1 was to provide a sense of the of the variability for the tropical convective forcing, Fig.2 is meant to show more directly the responses.  The annotations are the same as Fig. 1.  The top left is a time-latitude section of 200mb zonal mean zonal wind anomalies, while the top right is a Hovmoller plot of anomalies of 200mb velocity potential (chi).  For the latter, the blue (red) shading indicates negative (positive) anomalies of chi suggesting upward (downward) vertical motion and a greater likelihood of enhanced (suppressed) tropical convection.  The bottom plot is the same AAM graphic shown in Fig. 1. 

As would be expected, the behavior of the 200mb zonal wind anomalies shown on the time-latitude section is similar to the evolution of zonal mean relative atmospheric angular momentum anomalies.  As the westerly anomalies moved off the equator from mid-February to mid-March, the anomalies of chi were generally positive (negative) across the eastern (western) hemisphere meaning suppressed (enhanced) convection.  After about a 2-3 month period of MJOs, the opposite pattern developed in early June.  As mentioned in the introduction and discussed for Fig. 1, this reversal of stationary forcing was accompanied by the westward shift of anomalously warm SSTs from the central Pacific into the Indian Ocean. 

It is interesting to observe that from roughly mid-June to mid-July the chi anomalies were generally less than zero around 90W while zonal mean easterly wind anomalies propagated off the equator.  Complex interactions of the tropical convective forcing with midlatitude baroclinic wave energy dispersion contributed to persistent twin subtropical anticyclones around the longitude of 90W.  These anticyclones were fundamental for providing the low shear environment favorable for the tropical cyclogenesis of Major Hurricanes Dennis and Emily.  

Figure 2

Figure 3 presents composites of 150mb vector wind anomalies for the periods when there was enhanced tropical convection: a) across the central Pacific and western hemisphere (CP), top panel and b) over the Indian Ocean/western Pacific and eastern hemisphere (IO/WP), bottom.  The discussion issued June 14 (link) gives an overview of circulation events during the time interval between the two panels.

During the period of CP, as would be expected, there were large westerly anomalies across the tropics/subtropics.    There was a signature of twin cyclones around 120E with distorted twin anticyclones near 150W.  A coherent residual of a Rossby wave train linked to the subtropical anticyclones hooks up with the large anomalous  anticyclonic gyre just southeast of Greenland, supporting a negative phase of the NAO.  Other features of note include the large cyclonic wind anomaly covering the North Pacific allowing for a southward displaced polar jet, and the anticyclonic wind anomaly present just northeast of Brasil (~5N, 50W).  Anomalous southerly flow can be seen entering the southwestern USA, contributing to above average precipitation. 

By the period of mid June through most of July, almost a complete circulation reversal occurred across much of the globe.  For instance, subtropical westerlies were replaced by easterlies especially across Africa and the Americas, central Pacific anticyclones were replaced by cyclones and a large anticyclonic wind anomaly covered the North Pacific into at least the Great Lakes.  Other notable features include the anticyclonic wind anomaly having shifted northwest to near Florida, the cyclone anomaly over the south central states, and the large cyclonic gyre across northwest Canada.  For the USA, this distribution brought wet conditions to the southeast, hot and dry weather to the Plains, a suppression of the southwest USA desert monsoon and a favorable environment for tropical cyclogenesis across the Carribean.  Finally, the careful reader will see the symmetry of circulation anomalies across the Americas linked to the tropical convective forcing over the eastern (WESTERN?) hemisphere. 

In some sense, these 2 panels represent opposite ends of the spectrum of circulation states, with the period of January 25-March 5 similar to an El Nino (warm event) composite with high AAM and tropical forcing centered in the western hemisphere, and the reverse by the northern summer (La Nina basic state).  Figure 4 shows these same panels next to the subseasonal synoptic-dynamic model (SDM) used to chacterize the global scale circulation anomalies.  The past late winter period corresponds with Stage 3 while the recent June-July period with Stage 1.  As already mentioned, this change is linked to the cooling of anomalously warm SSTs in the central Pacific.  Combined with the normal seasonal cycle of SST, this has the effect of shifting the center of warmest tropical SST west-northwest into the eastern hemisphere.  

Figure 3

Figure 4  (Most recent 150mb daily mean vector wind anomaly)

2.   Predictive Insights

During the release of  the last weather-climate discussion dated June 14, the atmosphere had transitioned from Stage 4 to 1, and the MJO signal was centered at around 10N/100E (MJO #3).  It was understood the MJO had been stationary for about a week, which added uncertainty to any prediction.  The outlooks reflected that.  However, the feeling was to lean toward the MJO progressing into the western Pacific by the end of week 2 or sometime during week 3.  Instead, the MJO remained stationary.

The forecast period was from June 15-July 5.  The atmosphere was expected to remain in Stage 1 through roughly June 28 (week 2), then transition to Stage 2 by July 5.  Stage 1 persisted this entire time; that is, there was no Stage 1 to 2 transition.  For weeks 1 and 2, the forecast was for generally warmer than normal temperatures across the central and eastern USA, and below normal temperature for the northwest states.  Mesoscale convective system (MCS) activity including severe local storms was a concern for particularly the Central and Northern Plains and Upper Mississippi Valley, with heavy rainfall being a hazard for the southeastern states.  For the period of June 29-July 5 the possibility of change toward cooler temperatures for the Northern Plains and Great Lakes was offered, along with the MCSs and severe thunderstorms spreading southward.  The east and southeast were expected to remain warmer than normal, with above normal temperatures returning to the west coast.  However, it was mentioned that if the MJO did remain stationary, weather conditions for the USA would be similar to week 1.  Please see the June 14 discussion for details of the forecast here

Broadly speaking, the predictions for weeks 1 and 2 did quite well, and those same weather conditions did persist into week 3.  For the specifics on the occurrences of severe storms, please see the SPC storm reports here.  Details on temperatures and precipitation can be found from the appropriate links on this site

Referring back to Fig.1 (top right), notice that around July 20-22 there is a consolidation of coherently propagating westward and eastward modes of anomalous near equatorial convection.  After this consolidation there was a fairly abrupt eastward shift of the convection along the equator.  North of the equator the Hovmoller plots show (see link) the anomalous convection remained stationary and was much more widespread, as would be expected seasonally.  During July 2005 consolidation, the negative chi (see Fig. 2) did spread slowly east from ~80-140E, only to become stationary again by early August. 

The point is that because of behaviors such as consolidations, and interactions with the extratropics, secondary anomalous convection can move east quickly into the western hemisphere, while the primary area of forcing remains stationary or shifts west very slowly (less than the MJO time scale) back in the eastern hemisphere.  This is believed to be true at this time, meaning a stationary forcing is presently dominating the circulation.  Because of the recent eastward movement of equatorial convection the atmosphere is believed to have transitioned from Stage 1 to Stage 2 during the period from early July to the present (August 9).  The recent increase of vertically averaged westerly flow (and AAM link) across the subtropics is one result of this change. 
Currently satellite imagery shows the centroid of the primary tropical convection at around 15N/135E, extending along 15N from eastern India to east of the Phillipines.  Three-day averaged OLR anomalies were ~ -50-70 W/M**2 (link).  Perhaps linked to SSTAs ~0.5-1.0 C (actual SSTs ~30-31C per TAO data link), a smaller area of near equatorial thunderstorm activity was present around 160E, and appears to be moving west perhaps as a Rossby mode.  Yet another smaller area of thunderstorms has developed across the relatively warm (SSTA ~0.5C) central equatorial Indian Ocean apparently coupled to jet streak dynamics of the southern extratropics. 

The general stationarity of the tropical convective forcing, along with secondary flare-ups across the Indian and west Pacific Oceans mean a great deal of uncertainty to the future movement and evolution of this forcing for at least weeks 1-3.  Statistical and numerical models of the MJO are inconclusive (see MJO forecasts, Additional MJO tools and forecasts).  However, given the behaviors discussed in Part 1 including the role of the SSTAs, the recent changes observed with the equatorial SSTs (cooling across the central and eastern Pacific), and seasonal cycle, it is believed the stationary component will dominate for at least the following outlook period.  In addition, while the atmosphere has transitioned to Stage 2 (link to latest 30-day animation of 150mb vector wind anomalies), there is a concern there may be some slight shifts back toward Stage 1 (~Stage 1.5) for at least the rest of August.  For the latest on any Atlantic or east Pacific tropical cyclone hazards (and other parts of the world) please go to linkDaily monitoring will be needed to improve predictions, especially of high impact weather.

Figure 5

Week 1 (10-16 August 2005):  The atmosphere is expected to be in a summer time version of SDM Stage 2.  Interestingly, this circulation state did occur about a year ago, and is documented in the August 16, 2004 weather climate report.  After weeks of relatively tranquil weather for much of the USA, a somewhat dramatic change is in the offing, meaning an overall cool and stormy pattern.  A cooler than normal continental polar airmass should spread southward into much of the Northern and Central Rockies, Central and Northern Plains and Great Lakes by the end of this upcoming weekend.  Some ensemble output suggests this airmass to be ~1-2 standard deviations below normal.  The southeast states and locations along the west coast should experience near to above normal temperatures.  The likelihood of severe local storms, including heavy rainfall, and MCS activity are expected to be above climatology during this week, particularly from the eastern slopes of the Northern and Central Rockies to much of Central and Northern Plains to the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley.  Indeed, many of these areas have been experiencing some degree of dryness (see CPC Drought Monitor), and the rainfall is needed.  Please refer to the latest official outlooks and statements from Storm Prediction Center not only for severe storms, but also fire weather concerns across especially the western states due to the expected trough.  The west coast should remain dry while the southeast states continues to have the usual diurnal thunderstorm activity. 

Week 2 (17-23 August 2005):  The atmosphere is expected to remain in Stage 2, meaning weather similar to week 1.  However, enough westerly flow may undercut the Alaska blocking to cause the trough ~ 105W to at least deamplify.  In fact, some of the numerical model output suggests the trough may retrograde back to the west coast by the end of this period.  That scenario is possible since the circulation may shift back toward Stage 1.  Should that occur, warmer (above normal) temperatures would return to the central and eastern states (with possible excessive heat) while the west cools down.  The storm track would also shift back to the north favoring MCS and overall thunderstorm activity from the Northern Rockies to the upper Mississippi Valley.  The Pacific Northwest may also see some rainfall.  

Week 3 (24-31 August 2005):  Stage 1.5 to Stage 2 would be most probable.  By this time the effect of the seasonal cycle as the northern hemisphere transitions into fall may become more important, and may also allow the MJO to shift rapidly eastward.  That would suggest the westerlies to come south and increase per climatology.  Should the circulation anomalies occur as would be expected from SDM Stage 2, the 140W ridge-105W trough - southeastern states ridge pattern relative to the lower 48 states may be even more energetic and have greater amplitude/larger anomalies than week 1 given additional forcing from the seasonal cycle.  That would suggest an active late August regime for particularly the Rockies and Plains.

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