Real-time Weather-Climate Discussion and Predictive Insights – 15 February 2006

Edward Berry, NWS and Klaus Weickmann, CDC

Since our last discussion (7 October 2005), equatorial sea surface temperatures (SSTs) across the central and eastern Pacific have cooled considerably, leading to widespread negative anomalies (SSTAs) of  ~ 1-2C.  SSTAs across much of the western and south Pacific have remained positive 0.5-1.5C with actual SSTs in excess of 29C.  The SST pattern resembles a basin wide La Nina cold event.  The signal from the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) has continued to be weak.  The Wheeler plot shown here has been depicting a very strong MJO while the coherent modes have a weak to moderate MJO.  This disparity and the role of La Nina is discussed later.  Tropical convective forcing became strong across the region of Indonesia by early December, and then late in the period extended east and southeast along the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ) in the area of  very warm SSTs mentioned above.

Part I presents an overview of the SST and tropical convective evolutions for the past year, followed by more recent behaviors of the tropical forcing and circulation anomalies.  This particular report gives the opportunity to document a transition from El-Nino to La-Nina during the last year.  A synopsis of the current weather-climate situation with predictive insights follows in Part 2.  For information on the status of El Nino and the MJO (including a week 1-2 global hazards outlook) please see the following links:  

Latest CPC ENSO Advisory  

Latest CPC MJO Discussion and tools

Part 1.   Weather-Climate Overview

Figure 1 (below) shows two time-longitude sections of near equatorial five-day averaged SST (left) and SSTA (right) in deg. C. The life cycle of the central Pacific warm event (denoted by "EN" with SSTAs in excess of 1C) is seen from boreal summer 2004 extending into spring 2005.  SSTs of 29C and greater, a threshold for supporting persistent tropical convection, extend east of the date line (vertical dash line).  The recent evolution toward La Nina (LN) is seen from fall 2005 up to the present.  The 29C and warmer SSTs have now shifted well to the west of the date line.   

sst time-longitude on equator
Figure 1  (Hovmoller plots of SSTs and SSTAs; latest images of various SST monitoring tools are here )

Figure 2 (below) is a time-longitude plot of the total OLR field for about the past year.  Recall we use total OLR to represent deep tropical convection.  The OLR is averaged over a seasonally-varying 20 degree wide latitude band between 15S-15N, which follows the seasonal cycle of OLR.  For example, in December-March the latitude band is from 15S-5N.  During late January into early March 2005 at the top of Fig. 2, convection is stationary around the date line (purple dashed oval labelled "El-Nino") as the result of atmosphere-ocean coupling from the central Pacific El-Nino (see February 25 and April 18, 2005 discussions for details).  A strong MJO then occurred from early March through much of April (see June 14, 2005 discussion). Afterwards, for about a 6 month period, there were two areas of tropical convective forcing; roughly across the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean, where SSTs were 0.5-1.5C above normal. Individual flare-ups would occur irregularly, and weak MJO and other variations would occasionally link the 2 regions.  This kind of behavior has been occurring more frequently since the cold season of 2001-02.  Chaotic variability in the two regions seems to be influencing the behavior of individual MJOs as well as the MJO activity.  See a time series of MJO activity here.  Around December 4, 2005, the two areas of tropical forcing consolidated in the region of Indonesia (~120-140E) consistent with an emerging La-Nina.  Note how convection becomes concentrated during the year, a good example of a low frequency, interannual consolidation of tropical forcing.

olr time-long last yr

Figure 2  (Hovmoller plot of seasonally varying total OLR; latest image here) 

Figure 3 are time-longitude plots of three-day averages of outgoing longwave radiation anomalies (OLRA) for the period mid-October 2005 to early February 2006.  Time and space filtering are used to isolate coherent convectively coupled modes such as the MJO, equatorial Rossby waves and Kelvin waves (see 10 August discussion and previous issuances for details).  Contours depict these modes and go from upper left to lower right (upper right to lower left) to depict eastward (westward) propagation.  Here we will focus on the more recent evolution of the tropical convection.

The top (bottom) panel is for the near-equatorial (southern tropics).  The ENSO cycle consolidation is evident in the anomalies by early December along the equator and especially across the southern tropics at the same time (indicated by the dashed vertical line).  During December positive anomalies of tropical convection remained stationary across much of Indonesia.   Beginning late December 2005, strong tropical convection developed across South America, apparently linked to interactions with the northern extratropics.  A coherent atmospheric Kelvin wave (KW) was initiated by this activity (see the green square in the Fig. 3 top panel just after Christmas) and propagates to 0E by 9 January 2006. The KW moved at 15-20 m/s and interacted with an equatorial Rossby wave to give an intense flareup of tropical thunderstorm activity on ~18 January.  Thus Event #1 on Fig. 3 could be characterized as a subseasonal consolidation of convection.  The KW remained coherent as it propagated well into the western hemisphere (WH).  An important ramification of the flareup was the development of a slow eastward moving component of the tropical convection, which projected onto a weak-moderate MJO. The MJO is best seen on the southern tropics OLRA plot (Fig. 3 bottom panel; blue contours, 10 Wm-2 interval).    

The slow OLR component, identified as a weak MJO, propagated at 4-5 m/s into the WH along the SPCZ.  There were two additional flare-ups of convection (numbers 2 and 3) within the envelope, with intense thunderstorm clusters located over the South Pacific subtropical SST gradients. Recently, the convection has stalled and even started drifting slowly northwest.  A weakened signal of the MJO has propagated into the WH.

olr time-long on eq

Figure 3 (recent Hovmoller OLRA plots: equatornorthern tropics. ; southern tropics )

Figure 4 (below) is the first in a series of charts that will focus on the circulation variability in the northern extratropics and interactions with the tropics.  It shows the 250mb zonal wind anomaly averaged between 25-40N; Ws and Es indicate westerly or easterly flow anomaly. The longitude band from 100E to 120W is the region that determines the strength and position of the East Asian Jet (EAJ) or North Pacific Jet Stream. The EAJ strengthened around 10 November 2005 but extended barely past the date line until 10 December (with the exception of a spectacular jet streak in late November).  Thereafter it became more intense and expanded to 120W during 15 December-4 January 2006, with anomalies in excess of 40 m/s at times.  Anomalous storm track activity with the jet impacted the USA west coast from Northern California to particularly the Pacific Northwest.  Strongest tropical convective forcing during this time remained across the EH ~120-140E, a location statistically related to a retracted jet, not the observed expanded jet.  More discussion of this jet extension will be presented below.  After 4 January, the EAJ collapsed and easterly zonal wind anomalies appeared for the first time since early December 2005 (Fig. 4).  

time-long of jet  at 30N
Figure 4  (
Hovmoller plot of  250mb zonal wind anomalies from 25-40N.  Click here to do additional time-longitude plots)

Figure 5 (below) reviews the behavior of atmospheric relative angular momentum (AAM) since about 1 November.  The top panel is a time-latitude plot of zonal mean anomalies of tropospheric AAM (warm colors for westerly/cold colors for easterly flow), along with the total (not anomalous) zonal and vertical mean AAM (contours). The bottom panel is the time series plot of global AAM anomaly for the troposphere (to 100 mb).  A stratosphere plot seen here shows the weakening negative phase of the equatorial QBO, and the major sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) that developed recently over the Arctic.  

A set of vertical dashed lines depict the period when the EAJ was extended across the Pacific.  Zonal mean westerly anomalies appeared along 30N in early November (shown by vertical red line) and they became stronger after mid December 2005.  Furthermore, there is a hemispheric symmetry of the zonal wind anomalies, with westerlies in mid-latitudes and easterlies poleward and equatorward.  The strong mid-latitude westerlies were supported by strong flux convergence of AAM out of both the subtropical and polar regions toward ~35-40N (see plot here if interested).  We speculate wave energy sources linked to east Asian topography and cold air outbreaks contributed to the maintenance of the extended EAJ.  Some of these waves and other disturbances are highlighted later.

After early January, the mid-latitude westerlies collapsed, particularly across the northern midlatitudes. Additionally, negative (easterly) AAM anomalies propagated into the subtropics between 25-30N and 25-35S.   The recent appearance of equatorial westerly flow is attributable to the MJO signal discussed above, which is moving into the WH.  Good symmetry of zonal mean AAM anomalies continues and the midlatitude westerlies are displaced poleward from their locations during December.                  
zonal and global aam
Figure 5  
(most recent plot of tropospheric AAM here; other plots here )

The Fig. 6 sequence (below) is a selection of daily mean maps of 250mb vector wind anomaly and are used to summarize the observed circulation anomalies, including the ridges and troughs that influence local weather.  In all of the maps that follow, the red H's (L's) are the anticyclonic (cyclonic) circulation anomalies (see scale at the bottom), the dashed orange ovals indicate the twin anticyclones forced by the persistent Indonesian convection, and the black arrows give a sense for the wind directions.   

We start the sequence on 9 November (Fig. 6) when Rossby wave dispersion (RWD) occurred across the Pacific Rim (white dashed curved line), linked to a convective flareup over the west Pacific.  The orange oval highlights the location of twin anticyclones linked to tropical convection anomalies.  The flareup is also outlined by a purple square on the top panel of Fig. 3.  As part of the RWD, a blocking anticyclone developed over northeast Asia, the first in a series of such events.  At least 3 more RWDs linked to the Indonesian tropical convection occurred afterwards (15 Nov, 28 Nov and 4 Dec) as is shown in Fig. 6.  During this period (9 November-4 December), not only did the northeast Asian blocking anticyclone persist, but it expanded and contributed to large anticyclonic anomalies across most of the Arctic.  This produced negative projections onto both the AO and NAO.  The growing easterly anomalies in high latitudes (55-90N), suggest a southward momentum flux into mid-latitudes.  The negative tilt of disturbances in the 40-80N band on 4 and 21 December 2005 would give a southward flux.  Additionally, positive mountain torques contributed to a momentum increase along 30N (not shown).  This was part of a persistent dipole pattern of positive torque near 30N and negative torque near 50N (not shown).  The pattern reversed itself ~27 December just before the breakdown of the EAJ.   

150 daily uv anoms
250 daily uv

150 daily uv anoms
Figure 6  
(sequence of 250mb daily mean vector wind anomalies; latest animations of various fields are here )

The jet was most expanded across the Pacific from 10 December until early January 2006.  An example of this expansion is shown on 21 December.  The meridional tilt of the perturbations on either side of ~35N suggests a flux convergence of momentum into the midlatitudes from both the subtropics and the Arctic. Such postulated "eddy" feedbacks can help mantain the EAJ against tropical convective forcing that may seek to weaken it.  In terms of our synoptic dynmaic model (SDM), Stage 3 has a strong extended jet over the Pacific but the tropical convection and subtropical circulation are quite different from what has been observed.  This period has proven difficult to predict in, both for models and human forecasters.

Recall from Fig. 3 that after 21 December tropical convection became intense across northern South America and near Africa.  A long-lived KW developed out of this activity.  Examination of daily animations from 21 December-4 January revealed subtropical wavetrains interacting with and amplifying the circulation features over South America and Africa, possibly helping to excite the convection there.  Also, several anticyclonic wavebreaking episodes across the eastern Pacific led to  equatorial westerly flow anomalies over the east Pacific by 4 January (see the yellow "W"). These westerlies shift west and then expand eastward during mid-late January.  By 4 January the jet was starting to collapse across the Pacific as convection began increasing across Africa and the Indian Ocean.  Easterly anomalies (with globally averaged AAM as low as 2 standard deviations below the 1968-1997 climatology) then dominated much of the tropics and extratropics as convection was active across Indonesia and northern Australia, shifting south with the seasonal cycle.  From 4-18 January, the circulation would have been represented by SDM Stage 1.  However, troughs and ridges remained progressive across the Pacific and North America, and that allowed more severe cyclonic storms to impact the Pacific Northwest. 

On 18 January, enhanced divergence was observed across the western Pacific due to the tropical flareup from the KW and Rossby wave interaction mentioned earlier.  One response was the twin subtropical cyclones east of the date line by 24 January and the start of strong westerly wind anomalies in the upper equatorial regions..  As the MJO developed and moved east (recall above), convection became very intense along the SPCZ.  The globally averaged AAM increased rapidly to about 1 standard deviation above climatology by early February 2006.  By 1 February poleward displaced twin anticyclones had moved to about the date line.  The poleward displacement is consistent with the anomalous easterly flow throughout the subtropics linked to La-Nina.  The 5 February map is a good example of  not only the twin anticyclones moving into the WH, but also linkages with fast moving midlatitude wavetrains.  Notice that the cyclonic circulation anomaly around southwest Alaska on 1 February retrogrades to near Asia by 5 February.  This is part of a wave 0-2 retrogression that has been in progress across the north polar latitudes for roughly a week.  SDM Stage 3 would best describe the global circulation after about 1 February.  

Brief mention will be made of the recent major SSW since it appears to be influencing the troposphere.  The top panel of Fig. 7 is a time series of 30mb temperature centered on the North Pole, from the Tokyo Climate Center.  A warming of ~50C is evident during January 2006 (smooth curve is climatology).  The bottom panel depicts a time-height section of geopotential anomalies averaged over 65-90N and an AO index time series from CPC. The appearance of mid/upper tropospheric positive height anomalies after about 8 November can be seen, only to intensify to at least 2 standard deviations above climatology during December (green rectangle).  Evidence from other diagnostics (e.g., Eliassen-Palm fluxes) show an increased upward propagation of wave eneregy into the stratosphere near 1 January, 2006; around the time the warming commenced at this level (at 10 mb it looks earlier, at least in the winds).  The arrow pointing up on the time-height section suggests when upward propagation into the stratosphere occurred.  During the latter part of January, ~4 sigma height anomalies are shown in the stratosphere.  There have also been at least 2 episodes of downward extension of positive height anomalies from the stratosphere to the earth's surface.  These mainly where linked with the anticyclonic wind anomalies and high heights seen over the eastern hemisphere Arctic on 18 January (at 80N, 40E) and 24 January (at 70-80N, 20-90E), as shown at 250 mb in Fig. 6.    

time-pressure of atmic height anoms
Figure 7 (top: time series of 30mb temperatures from 65-90N (?)  lastest image; bottom height-time section of geopotential height anomalies with AO time series, latitude band 65-90N latest image).

global synoptic dynmaic model

Figure 8 (Description of the SDM is presented here)

2.   Predictive Insights 
La-Nina continues with negative SSTAs of 1-2C covering nearly all of the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean basin, and extending down to depths of at least 200m.   However, cool anomalies have weakened slightly during the past few days.  Actual SSTs along the equatorial cold tongue are as low as 25C, while values from 29-31C cover much of the western and south Pacific.  The warmest SSTs are at ~150E  with the coolest at 140W, allowing for an enhanced SST gradient which is once again supporting an intensification of the trade winds throughout much of the central and western Pacific.  Finally, anomalous easterly flow has become quite pronounced across the subtropical atmosphere.  Latest prediction from CPC expects these cold event conditions to continue for at least the next 3-6 months (see latest TAO data here). 

At this time the signal from the MJO is weak with the upper tropospheric divergent response moving into the EH.  Satellite imagery (eastern hemisphere, full-disk east Pacific, full-disk west Pacific, full-disk Indian Ocean, full-disk Africa; other images available here) has enhanced convection across tropical South America and especially South Africa, with slow intensification occurring across the South Indian Ocean and Indonesia. Strong interactions with the extratropics can be seen from much of this activity through well defined subtropical jets (STJs).  While convection has weakened considerably across the SPCZ during the past week, enhancement has been drifting slowly west and north, now located ~ 5N/140E (latest 3-day averages of OLR total and anomalies here).  Additionally, very strong suppression of convective activity has been present from the South Indian Ocean across Australia into portions of the South Pacific, with enhancement to the north (latest 7-day average here).  

Statistical and numerical models of the MJO (see MJO forecasts, Additional MJO tools and forecasts) generally support the notion of enhanced convection returning to the Indian Ocean/Indonesia regions by the end of week 2.  SSTs have also warmed to slighly above average across portions of the central and southern Indian Ocean  (~+ 5.-1.5C), which can be a precursor to a re-emerging MJO into the EH.  Finally, SSTs also remain ~.5-1.5C above normal across the tropical southwest Pacific, as well as the subtropical North and South Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.  These basins will also contribute  tropical convective forcing at times (plot of weekly global SSTAs here).  Monitoring experience suggests a consolidation of the tropical forcing will occur near 120E and extend east and southeast along the SPCZ to perhaps 160E, by the end of week 2.  This pattern would also be consistent with La-Nina. 

The global AAM anomalies are still about 1 standard deviation above climatology, due to enhanced zonal mean westerly flow across particularly the southern subtropics  With the current pattern of tropical forcing and the appearance of strong WH STJs, the atmosphere is believed to be transitioning to SDM Stage 4.  The strong tropical forcing from south of the equator in the Pacific in the last two weeks, interacting with the retrogressive wave 0-2 high latitude transient discussed in Section 1, has produced a robust positive PNA pattern across the Asia-North American sector during the past weekend.  During this upcoming week, as the convective signal re-emerges over the EH, the most significant lobe of the polar voretx should lock in across central and east Asia, maintaining a contracted EAJ.  That would argue for a transition to SDM Stage 1, meaning a negative PNA pattern. Additionally, given the north polar latitude easterly wind (positive geopotential height) anomalies, it is plausible that any ridging in the central Pacific may link up with possible blocking at the higher latitudes.  Thus in addition to a negative PNA, there may also be a negative AO and NAO.  We would expect the circulation response as shown by SDM Stage 1 to mature during week 2.  Variations in amplitude of the ridge-trough-ridge negative PNA pattern across the USA would be expected.  The most meaningful insight offered for week 3 is peristence of the situation from week 2, given the La-Nina.  The CDC week 2 ensemble mean 500mb height anomaly forecast, along with the calibrated temperature and precipitation tercile pobabilities, is presented below to assist with the low confidence forecast that follows.  

ens mean wk 2 500

Figure 9. (Week 2 ensemble mean 500mb height anomaly from the CDC ensemble; latest images here)

wk 2 temp fcst

Figure 10.  (Week 2 calibtrated tercile probabilities for temperature from the CDC ensemble; latest forecast)

wk 2 precip fcst

Figure 11.  (Same as 10 but for precipitation; latest forecast)

Week 1 (15-21 February 2006):  As stated above, a transition to SDM Stage 1 is probable by the end of this period, particularly if tropical convection becomes intense ~120E.  That would lock in the developing western USA trough with well below normal temperatures and lead to the opposite for the southeast USA.  True Arctic air, perhaps from northern Asia and Siberia, is likely to penetrate at least into the northern Rockies and Plains, and even spill over into the Pacific Northwest.  The coldest temperatures of this winter are likely for many parts of the north and west CONUS (at least 2 standard deviations below climatology -- see CDC and NCEP ensemble links below), including possible records for places such as California.  Some of the bitterly cold air will spread into the northeast states by the end of this period.  

As shown by the models, an initial event of baroclinic cyclogenesis is expected across the Plains during the next couple of days.  Even though moisture transport from the Gulf of Mexico and other lower latitude sources will initially be limited due to the recent surges of cold air, heavy snow and blizzard conditions for much of the northern Plains into the Great Lakes seems probable. Intense thunderstorm activity and heavy rainfall (including over the snow cover across the Northeast raising flooding concerns) may occur in the warm sector as moisture becomes more plentiful.  


Another concern is to monitor how far off the west coast troughs may dig in this pattern.  A cold and wet scenario is not out of the question for locations such as California, with possibly even snow for locations such as Seattle.  In fact, the first of these events may occur this upcoming weekend particularly if there is interaction with the current east Pacific STJ.  

Most models suggest the above mentioned west coast system will get kicked out into the Plains by early next week, which is reasonable.  By this time moisture transport should not be an issue.  Thus a second storm system on the Plains may occur, and then move into the Great Lakes/Ohio Valley and eastern states.  The track for this second storm may be shifted slightly to the south from its predecessor.  Heavy snowfall for much of the northern and central Rockies, including perhaps the Front Range, speading across the central and northern Plains/Upper Mississippi Valley would be a concern.  Strong winds combining with cold temperatures could again lead to blizzard conditions.  Meanwhile, heavy rainfall and even severe thunderstorms may occur anywhere from the Ohio Valley into the southeastern states.  Finally, icing is a possibility in between the winter and spring-like weather, which may include parts of the Northeast.

Please see the CPC Drought Monitor for areas of dryness and the latest official outlooks and statements from Storm Prediction Center not only for severe storms, but also fire weather concerns. Finally, the CPC USA Hazards Assessment for offers additional insights not only for possible week 1 high impact weather, but week 2 as well.  

Week 2 (22-28 February 2006):  Please see Figs. 9-11.  We think these are reasonable forecasts and other models are similar.  SDM Stage 1 would be most probable suggestive of a storm track from the Pacific Northwest to the central Plains.  Perhaps a modification we would make would be to increase the probabilities for wetness along the Pacific Northwest, as well as the northern and central Rockies into the Plains.  

Week 3 (1- 7 March 2006):  We would expect the week 2 situation to persist during much of this period although an eastward shift of the ridge-trough pattern may occur.  

Latest CDC Ensemble Forecast

Latest NCEP Ensemble Forecast

Additional NCEP Ensemble output

Latest Canadian Ensemble Output 

Latest CDC Week 2 Forecasts from the CDC Ensemble

Latest Deterministic ECMWF Forecasts