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NCDC images (truck, tractor, etc.) National Clean Diesel Emerging Technologies Program

The National Clean Diesel Emerging Technologies Program allows EPA to issue competitive grants reduce diesel emissions through the use, development and commercialization of emerging technologies.


In 2009, EPA’s National Clean Diesel Campaign is distributing funding for the National Clean Diesel Emerging Technologies Program through two separate funding sources:

An expedited process is currently underway for distribution of the Recovery Act funding. The distribution of the FY 2009 Funding will occur later in 2009.

The Clean Diesel Emerging Technologies Program is an opportunity to advance new cutting edge technologies to reduce diesel emissions from the existing fleet. EPA is providing funding assistance to eligible entities to deploy diesel emission reduction technologies which are not yet verified or certified by the EPA or the California Air Resources Board (CARB). To qualify as an emerging technology, the manufacturer of the technology must be in the initial stages of the verification process with EPA or CARB and listed on EPA's Emerging Technology List.

Eligible Applicants

School districts, municipalities, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), cities and counties are all eligible entities under this assistance agreement program to the extent that they fall within the definition above.

Manufacturers of an emerging technology must partner with an eligible entity which is able to receive these Federal funds. EPA recommends that manufacturers establish this partnership early in the process, prior to the release of any EPA Request for Proposals, in order to complete the necessary steps in a timely manner.

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Eligible Use of Funding

Only technologies on the Emerging Technology List can be used in a project funded through the Emerging Technologies grant program.

What is an Emerging Technology?

By law, an emerging technology is defined as a technology that is not certified nor verified by EPA or CARB but for which an approvable application and test plan have been submitted for verification. An emerging technology should be close to being, if not already, commercially available.

Emerging Technology List

In order to be placed on the Emerging Technologies List, the manufacturer of the technology must be in the initial stages of the verification process with EPA or CARB. This means that:

  1. The manufacturer has submitted an application and test plan for verification, as well as an explanation of why the technology should be considered an emerging technology, to EPA or CARB; and,
  2. EPA or CARB has approved the application and test plan for verification.

Manufacturers should contact EPA as soon as possible to insure sufficient time for review and approval of their emerging technology for 2009 funding.

Once approved as an emerging technology, it will be listed on EPA's web site. A technology may remain on the Emerging Technology List for up to two years. During that two-year window, a manufacturer should be able to complete the necessary steps to obtain full verification. For the purpose of this program, once a technology is verified or certified, it will no longer be considered emerging.

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Emerging Technologies Program Application Process

If You are an Eligible Entity

  1. Assess your target fleet and determine the best technology available.
  2. Partner with a manufacturer that has a listed emerging technology.
  3. Apply for funds under the Clean Diesel Emerging Technologies Program Request for Proposals.
  4. If funded, manage the project to completion.

If You are a Manufacturer

  1. Review the materials and instructions for the technology verification process.
  2. Fill out and submit the Verification Application Packet, including the intent to verify form, verification application (XSL) (9K, October 2006), and the manufacturer cover letter.
  3. Provide documentation explaining why the technology should be considered an emerging technology.
  4. Work with EPA to develop a test plan.
  5. Seek placement on EPA's Emerging Technology List once the application and test plan is approved by EPA.
  6. Partner with eligible entities to apply for funding.
  7. Complete testing and obtain full verification within two years.

The Verification Application Packet outlines the minimum information required to be submitted to the EPA by a manufacturer of an emerging technology. Additional information will be requested from the manufacturer by EPA during the application review process. Once EPA has a clear understanding of the engineering/chemical principals of how the technology reduces emissions EPA will work with the manufacturer to prepare a test plan.

In order to be placed on the Emerging Technologies List, the manufacturer of the technology must be in the initial stages of the verification process with EPA or CARB. If a manufacture desires, steps 1 -4 under "If You are a Manufacturer," may be initiated with CARB. At the manufacturer's request CARB will then submit a letter of application and test plan approval to EPA for consideration on EPA"s Emerging Technology List. The manufacturer is responsible submitting all supporting information to EPA. Information on CARB's verification process is available at California Air Resources Board Exit EPA Disclaimer.

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Test Plan

For EPA verification, test plans must be developed in consultation with EPA and in accordance with existing verification protocols. However, if there are no existing protocols applicable to a specific technology, a unique test plan may be developed. For CARB verification, manufacturers must comply with applicable California regulations. An approvable test plan will detail the following:

It is recommended that the test plan reflect the verification protocols where appropriate. In some cases, if the engine is unique (i.e. large or difficult to remove), a special test program may be necessary.

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