News Archive

Weekly News: April 2009

image of estuary

EstuaryLive! 2009

Thousands of elementary, middle, and high school students will join scientists in the marshes and bays of four estuaries in May to learn about the impacts of climate change on the nation's coasts, and they won't even get wet. The event is EstuaryLive, a virtual field trip that enables students in their classrooms to interact with scientists in the field to learn about the animals and physical dynamics of estuaries. More...

aerial view of Soo Locks

NOAA Data Helps Re-open Soo Locks & Soo PORTS

Mariners are once again able to travel the 74.5 miles along the St. Marys River between Lake Superior and Lake Huron via the Soo Locks. The locks were recently reopened following closure during the long, cold winter months. And, thanks to the water-level data delivered by the NOAA Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System (PORTS®), mariners have the information needed to help them safely navigate their way. More...

image of dolphin with lobomycosis

Tropical Fungus Range Expands into Northern Waters

A new NOAA-led study documents the first cases of lobomycosis in bottlenose dolphins in North Carolina. This fungal skin infection is usually associated with warmer tropical waters. Researchers are now working to determine how factors like water temperature, salinity and coastal land-use might be influencing the types, prevalence and severity of these type of infections. More...

image of Bay Hydro II

Meet Bay Hydro II

On April 15, NOAA dedicated a new state-of-the-art research vessel, R/V Bay Hydro II, which will collect oceanographic data in the Chesapeake Bay region critical to safe navigation and environmental protection. More...

impage of the Scarlet Knight, an ocean glider

Rutgers Ocean Glider Set to Attempt Atlantic Crossing

Undergraduate students from Rutgers University are finalizing preparations to launch an ocean glider on a journey from New Jersey to Spain. If the craft completes the trip, it will be the first unmanned underwater vehicle to successfully cross the Atlantic. More...

Simulated CanVis image

Using CanVis to Illustrate Coastal Changes

Simulated visual images can be much more effective than charts and graphs in drawing attention to the potential impacts of coastal development and policy changes. But until recently, many coastal resource managers lacked the skills, resources, and time to create effective visualizations with the software they had available. More...

Dr. Gunnar Lauenstein, NOAA Mussel Watch program manager, brings up a rock covered with zebra mussels.

Flame Retardants Found in U.S. Coastal Ecosystems Nationwide

A NOAA report released on April 1 finds that man-made toxic chemicals used as flame retardants in consumer products are found in all U.S. coastal waters and the Great Lakes. The chemicals—Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers, or PBDEs—have generated international concern in recent years due to their global distribution and associated adverse environmental and human health effects. More...
