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Federal Libraries and Information Centers in the United States: 1994

April 1996

(NCES 96-247) Ordering information

Table of contents

The report is 67 pages with 34 tables and includes the actual survey form.

The 1994 Federal Libraries and Information Centers data is available for downloading. For convenience of downloading the data base file and documentation are stored as a ZIP archive. When extracted there will be a dBase 4 file (2.7 MB) and a WordPerfect documentation file (203 KB).
Download (411k)

PDFFederal Libraries and Information Centers in the United States: 1994 (Enter file) (229k)
PDFDiscussion of Major Findings (44k)
PDFTables with Organization Stubs(49k)
PDFTables with Type Stubs(38k)
PDFInstructions for Questionnaire(47k)
For questions about the content of this report, please contact the
Library staff at NCES.

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