picture of the face of a Chinese man
Native American
Cuban - Puerto Rican
Polish - Russian
Picture of globe - clicking produces a Flash animated map showing the pattern of Chinese immigration
Picture of clock - click to view global immigration timeline
Picture of clock - click to view global immigration timeline
picture of an old watch faded
Immigration Chinese
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Three Chinese children
Three Chinese children
Photographs from the Chicago Daily News,
Chinese Immigration

The Chinese experience in America began with dreams of gold, as legends of instant wealth in California lured hopeful adventurers across the Pacific Ocean. Those dreams soon lost their luster, though; these sojourners found mostly hard times and persecution, and scrambled to survive in a strange country.

Only through decades of struggle, isolation, and slow progress were Chinese Americans able to find a secure place in the life of the nation. Today, though, a new surge of growth and cultural vitality promises to transform the Chinese American community, and to reshape American life for future generations.

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last updated 09/01/03 view enhanced version
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