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New Biopesticide Active Ingredients - 2008

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This page provides a list of the new biopesticide active ingredients first approved in 2008 with links to their factsheet




Date Approved Active Ingredient
12/11/07 Fox Urine Shake Away has registered an end use product (80917-5) with fox urine as the active ingredient.  The product is a repellent for armadillos, beavers, deer, domestic cats, elk, gophers, groundhogs, javalina (peccary or boar) and moles, possums, porcupines, rabbits, shrews, voles, and woodchucks.
02/15/08 Calcium lactate Attractant for mosquitoes, biting flies.
04/16/08 Extract of Chenopodium ambrosioides Derived from the plant commonly known as American Wormwood, the extract is to be used as an insecticide and acaricide on field and container-grown non-food ornamental plants in commercial nurseries, greenhouses, and lath- and shade houses. This pesticidal oil is specifically intended to control Two-spotted spider mites, Whiteflies, Aphids, Thrips and Fungus gnats on ornamentals and seedlings. The extract works through a physical mode of action whereby it softens cuticles in target insects, resulting in a disruption of insect respiration.
04/28/08 B. firmus Is a naturally occurring, soil bacterium. It is intended to suppress plant-parasitic nematodes, when applied to the soil or used as seed treatments to agricultural and residential outdoor and greenhouse sites. The pesticide is to be applied to fruit, vegetable, and field crops, as well as non-food crops such as turf and ornamentals.
06/10/08 Bacillus thuringiensis Cry1A.105 Registered for the control of lepidopteran corn pests including European corn borer, corn earworm, southwestern corn borer, fall armyworm, and sugarcane borer.
06/10/08 Bacillus thuringiensis Cry2Ab2 Registered for the control of lepidopteran corn pests including European corn borer, corn earworm, southwestern corn borer, fall armyworm, and sugarcane borer.
06/26/08 VipCot, a new Bt cotton product. VipCot contains two plant-incorporated protectants (PIP) that are both new active ingredients: modified Cry1Ab (PC Code 006529) and Vip3Aa19 (006499).
06/26/08 Vip3Aa19. The Vip3Aa exemption covers the Vip3Aa19 variant registered in VipCot cotton. This PIP is targeted against tobacco budworm, cotton bollworm, and pink bollworm. These "stacked" products offer advantages over single toxin products in that they 1) provide better pest control, and 2) are better for insect resistance management. Both modified Cry1Ab and Vip3Aa19 have not been previously used in Bt cotton and these unique modes of action should decrease the likelihood of insect resistance developing to individual Bt toxins. Further, VipCot will provide cotton growers with another PIP control option and increase competition in the marketplace. This should lead to lower overall costs associated with planting Bt cotton. The registration is time-limited (expires on 9/30/2011) and is conditioned on the submission of several additional non-target and insect resistance management data.
08/5/08 The Agency approved the registration of Bedoukian E,E-9,11-Tetradecadienyl Acetate Technical Pheromone, containing the new active ingredient 9,11-tetradecadien-1-ol, 1-acetate, (9E,11E). The new pesticide is a straight chained lepidopteran pheromone (SCLP) intended to be used to disrupt the mating of the Light Brown Apple Moth (LBAM).

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