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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Tribal Windows to the Environment
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Tribal Windows to the Environment

The American Indian Environmental Office (AIEO) coordinates and integrates all the tribal programs at the Environmental Protection Agency. To track the progress that these programs are making toward protecting the environment and public health in Indian country, AIEO has linked the various regulatory and environmental monitoring databases of EPA into a single "window to the environment" for tribes. The AIEO windows are essentially the same as the popular Window to My Environment

Here is how you use it:

  1. Press the continue button, then when a map of the United States appears,

  2. Select an EPA Region or a State, then

  3. Select a tribe.

  4. A window will be displayed that shows the boundary of the tribe laid over all the information from the EPA Envirofacts Data Warehouse.
When you get to the window we will show you how to drill inside and view specific information on EPA regulated facilities and monitoring stations from EPA and other agencies that are located within, and in the area around, the external boundaries of the tribe.


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