BLS Economic Working Papers from 1998

2009 | 2008 | 2007 |2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000
1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993| pre-1993

The following is a complete list of 1998 BLS Working Papers. Copies of unpublished working papers that are currently available can be obtained from the designated program office of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Washington, D.C. 20212, or via email. Reprints may be available for published papers.


Number Title Author(s) Publication Status / Disposition
WP-319 Executive Compensation: Six Questions That Need Answering John M. Abowd (Cornell University) and David S. Kaplan See Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 13, No. 4, Fall 1999, pp. 145-168.
WP-318 Principal-Age Models of CEO Pay-For-Performance Relationships David S. Kaplan Available in the Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics (December 1998).
WP-317 The Implications of Flexible Staffing Arrangements for Job Security Susan H. Houseman and Anne E. Polivka Available in the Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics (June 1998).
WP-316 Job Security in the 1990’s Jay Stewart See revised version, WP-330.
WP-315 Developing Poverty Thresholds Using Expenditure Data David Johnson, Thesia I. Garner, and Stephanie Shipp (US Bureau of the Census) See Proceedings of the Government and Social Statistics Section, American Statistical Association (Alexandria, VA: ASA, 1997), pp. 28-37.
WP-314 A Gini Decomposition Analysis of Inequality in the Czech and Slovak Republics During the Transition Thesia I. Garner and Katherine Terrell (Univ. of Michigan) Available in the Office of Prices and Living Conditions (May 1998).
WP-313 Measurement Error and the Relationship Between Investment and Q Timothy Erickson & Toni M. Whited (Univ. of Delaware) See Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 108, No. 5, October 2000, pp. 1027-1057.
WP-312 The Ambiguous Effect of new and Improved Goods on the Cost-of-Living Timothy Erickson See Economics Letters, Vol. 68, No. 2, August 2000, pp. 143-147.
WP-311 Cyclical Aggregation Bias Michael K. Lettau Available in the Office of Compensation and Working Conditions (April 1998).
WP-310 The Contribution of Establishment Births and Deaths To Employment Growth James R. Spletzer Available in the Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics (March 1998).
WP-309 Determinants of Training: An Analysis Using Both Employer and Employee Characteristics Harley Frazis, Maury Gittleman and Mary Joyce See Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 53, No. 3, April 2000, pp. 443-462.
WP-308 Has Job Mobility Increased? Evidence from the Current Population Survey: 1975-1995 Jay Stewart Available in the Office of Employment and Unemployment Statistics (February 1998).
WP-307 The Productivity of the Banking Sector: Intergrating Financial and Production Approaches to Measuring Financial Services Output Dennis J. Fixler and Kimberly Zieschang Available in the Office of Prices and Living Conditions (January 1998).


Last modified: July 19, 2008


Last Modified Date: July 19, 2008