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Report to Congress on FY 2007 Competitive Sourcing Efforts

The Environmental Protection Agency's Report to Congress, (xls) (pdf), on its FY 2007 Competitive Sourcing Efforts was prepared in accordance with Section 647(b) of Division F of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, FY 2004, P.L. 108-199. This Act established a requirement for executive agencies to report annually to Congress on their competitive sourcing efforts during the previous year. Additionally it conforms to implementation guidance provided by the Office of Budget and Management (OMB) and has been cleared for release. As indicated in the January 8, 2008, transmittal letter to the President of the Senate, EPA announced eight (8) competitions in 2007 totaling 75 full-time-employee equivalents (FTE) for competition.  EPA completed seven (7) streamlined competitions covering 70 FTE in 2007 with an anticipated savings of approximately $5.3 million over the next five years.  This is an average annualized savings of over $15,205.00 for each FTE competed.  In fiscal year 2008, EPA estimates that it will announce competitions and further utilize innovative alternatives consistent with the framework of OMB circular A-76, for approximately 125 to 150 FTE.

Comments or questions regarding the report may be directed to Ed Murphy at murphy.ed@epa.gov or at (202) 564-4456.



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