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Climate Change ListServs

Receive timely news about climate change through EPA's Climate Change ListServs - subscribers receive e-mail providing information on greenhouse gas emissions and actions at the state and local level. In addition, EPA maintains listservs that provide information on new climate change resources relevant to formal and informal educators, and current news about the environmental and societal effects of climate change and strategies to address them.

Lists Available for Subscription:

Note : the name that appears in parenthesis (e.g., GHGinventory-L or state-local-clean-energy-environ) is the listserv name you should use when subscribing or unsubscribing according to the instructions below.

Greenhouse Gas Inventories (GHGinventory-L) – The purpose of this list is to provide information related to inventories of greenhouse gas emissions and removals (i.e., sinks), with a focus on technical information related to the United States. Postings will be accepted on a case by case basis for announcements and other relevant information. Subscription Information.

State & Local Clean Energy-Environment (state-local-clean-energy-environ) – The State & Local Clean Energy-Environment listserv brings you news of important state and local developments in cost-effective clean energy policies and technologies that can help address state and local concerns with air quality and greenhouse gases; energy prices, demand, and reliability; and economic development. We send approximately one listserv message per week to announce new policy developments; highlight technology advances; share information on new studies, reports, and upcoming events; and note new funding opportunities. Subscription Information.

Climate Change for Formal and Informal Educators (climate-educate) – The Education listserv provides information on new climate change resources for educators and outreach professionals in formal and informal settings, upcoming conferences and events, and education opportunities. Subscription Information.

Climate Change and Its Effects on Our World (climate-effects) – This mailing list shares the latest information about the environmental and societal effects of climate change - sea level rise and coastal changes, infrastructure damages, human health effects, wildlife impacts, habitat and vegetation shifts, etc.- and strategies to address those effects. Subscription Information.

Here's How to Subscribe:
Send an e-mail to listserv@lserv.icfconsulting.com . In the body of the message type " subscribe ( name of list ) ( your first name ) ( your last name )" without quotes or parentheses (e.g., subscribe climate-educate Jane Doe ).

Use mail, fax, or email to forward your name, email address, and the list name or names to which you would like to subscribe to:
Here's How to Unsubscribe:
Send an e-mail to listserv@lserv.icfconsulting.com . In the body of the message type " unsubscribe ( name of list ) ( your first name ) ( your last name )" without quotes or parentheses (e.g., unsubscribe climate-educate Jane Doe ).

Use mail, fax, or email to forward your name, email address, and the list name or names to which you would like to unsubscribe to Mollie Averyt at the address above.


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