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United States Environmental Protection Agency
National Environmental Monitoring Initiative
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National Inventory

US Map This inventory presents the 34 national research and monitoring programs that comprise the majority of the federal environmental monitoring budget.  Programs are organized by sampling design into three tiers recognized by the National Environmental Monitoring Initiative.  Maps and information on all the programs are available by clicking on the three tier descriptions below. 

Spatially continuous monitoring and inventories, including remote sensing, that completely census specific properties across a large region. Spatially subsampled surveys and monitoring that are designed to evaluate the status of a large region by sampling a subset of the total area. Intensive research sites that are selected due to their known ecological condition or suitability for experimental manipulation


Inventories and Remote Sensing Programs
National and Regional Surveys
Intensive Monitoring and Research Sites

This national inventory presents a general overview of selected programs.  Detailed information on these and other federal programs operating in the mid-Atlantic region is available by clicking the "Mid-Atlantic Inventory" button.


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